In the past several months I have been jumping into the forums a little just to see what really goes on. Testing out the waters so to speak. Saying something here or there, maybe even a stupid to see just who has to say something smart about it.

Kinda like a mentality test you could say to see what I can make happen. It's a funny thing to test.

And I have come to realize it's High school here in the forums and there are quite a few little clicks running around and hording things together while bullying up on the new guy. So who are you?

I have seen the cheerleaders of DDO. (The Hotgirls of Thelanis threads)
I seen the radio broadcasting announcements (All the ones with the videos)
I have seen Days of of Lives (cough cough -not even mentioning which that is)
and several others.

so are you the Principal that keeps them in line., The teacher that gives them lessons., the hunk, the quarterback., the head cheerleader. the librarian...the bully (which most of you are) just who are you in the forum world ?????????????