Don't get me wrong, DDO is great, but I really miss playing PnP with my friends back in high school. Since PnP is not an option, as I doubt any of you are from Maine, I was thinking of an alternative.
I did this with a friend awhile back, over skype. Sure, it was not QUITE the same as in person but it was not to bad. I find email/forum to be too slow.
So, what I propose is this:
A few of us, ideally 4-6 players and 1 gm, agree to meet x times at x time. We would be on vent. Who's vent I don't know >.> Now, I have only played 3.5 but I am not opposed to earlier versions or even a hybrid style. I have heard 4 is pretty bad though >.>
What do you guys think? Sure, it will never beat sitting around a table laughing, joking, and committing acts of fantasy violence but I don't think its a horrid alternative.
18+ is really the only rule I can think of for this.