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  1. #1
    Community Member poisonthemonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default RP guild:: quality, easygoing, new, Ghallanda

    A new RP guild is starting up in Ghallanda, and we're looking for more.

    Some of the things that I have noticed in general about RP guilds on DDO are that they tend to have a LOT of rules, be PD, and don't really say anything about quality. I've also noticed requirements to understand Eberron well, etc. In general, what's turned me off from joining RP guilds is either lack of emphasis on good roleplay or an overabundance of requirements (requirements that aren't good roleplay).

    Note, I'm not attacking any guilds, just saying that from what I've seen in general, it's not the sort of thing I'd join. Just too much to worry about and no apparent focus on the point of joining in the first place. Maybe we can offer an alternative. There are likely already alternatives out there, if so, great. In any case, I haven't found them yet.

    The idea is for the guild to be geared towards those who care about emotional realism, good interaction, and well thought out characters as opposed to just performing their role or having your character be as badass as possible. While what is quality roleplay is subjective, the players could possibly have an active role in choosing who they roleplay with (and thus who joins the guild).

    A few more things:
    -Permadeath optional. Not everyone has the time or desire to play PD, so being "knocked out" is an option.
    -Generalizations are acceptable. In depth knowledge of the Eberron setting isn't required.
    -ICly, the guild is the Ardent Company, a group of mercenaries. Characters can be part of the IC guild or not.
    -Not sure if most RP groups do this or not, but guild members wouldn't always need to be IC. Obviously we want to be able to enjoy the game together just by itself sometimes, too.

    We are just starting up and looking for good roleplayers. Send me a tell or a mail, or let me know here. c:

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I may be interested. I am a fairly new F2P player, but who has bought 3 content modules so far. I have 3 toons, a lvl 8 Wiz who wouldn't join (he is just for questing with a friend and is my main). A lvl 6 cleric who also likely wouldn't join. But I have a lvl 2 fighter who if/when I decide on a background story might be interested. He would only be available at certain times, as he is third in line that I usually play. Likely Just saturday/sunday. But once I learn mroe about Eberron (I only know sword coast area) and decide on a bio I will let you know and see if he might be good for the group.

  3. #3
    Community Member poisonthemonkey's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Great! c:

    A guildie and I just rolled up characters for the guild. So there is a level range for you to play with. We'll be working on IC information so I'll post that here when I can. Hit Adehl, Inaiya or Ballamore up for an invite when you feel like it. We've only just made the guild and have no formal acceptance system yet but for now just explain what kind of RP you are looking for. c:

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default xD

    Quote Originally Posted by poisonthemonkey View Post
    Great! c:

    A guildie and I just rolled up characters for the guild. So there is a level range for you to play with. We'll be working on IC information so I'll post that here when I can. Hit Adehl, Inaiya or Ballamore up for an invite when you feel like it. We've only just made the guild and have no formal acceptance system yet but for now just explain what kind of RP you are looking for. c:

    I want to be in that guild, send a mail to my main toon called Khrolag and ill do a special toon for that guild im really interested

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