Why is this spell not in the game? I think it would be really cool and it would make AOE spells a little more viable.
Why is this spell not in the game? I think it would be really cool and it would make AOE spells a little more viable.
No, its not. As per the SRD http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/bladeBarrier.htm
An immobile, vertical curtain of whirling blades shaped of pure force springs into existence. Any creature passing through the wall takes 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6), with a Reflex save for half damage.
AoE spells have pretty good radius in quests - and a Widened Wall of Fire would be broken just about anywhere.
I'm all for more options, but I can see why this particular metamagic was left out of the game.