Hi everyone! Episode 139 of DDOcast is now ready to go. Here's a LINK to the episode- just left-click to play, right-click and 'save as' to download as an mp3.
This week's show features a look at reincarnation on Lammania along with two interviews and some great stuff from the DDOcast crew! DJDenial, Xiloscient and Rowanheal co-host this week's show with me as well! Lessah has week three of the Miss Stormreach Pageant where she wraps up her introductory interviews with the candidates! I interview Howard with Odd Duck Computing about the DDO iPhone app - the DDO Herald. I also interview Erica with the DDO Fashion Showcase. Stormreach Lighthouse wraps up its look at tips to work with veterans, Samius looks at practice and growth with "Sound Concepts", Rheebus has some warforged pickup lines with "Rheebus' Top Ten" and more! Thanks so much for listening.
DDOcast Episode 139 (10-17-09)
:15 Intro
4:04 Turbine Point update
7:00 True Reincarnation Talk
7:40 Past Life Feats
11:43 Reincarnation effort?
14:16 Raid Loot Crafting
15:21 XP Needed
17:45 Miss Stormreach 1
20:42 Epic Difficulty
21:17 MD Bug
21:32 Downtime
21:53 Miss Stormreach 2
25:52 Stormreach Lighthouse
32:28 Sound Concepts
41:52 Rheebus' Top Ten
45:06 DDO Herald Interview
58:04 DDO Fashion Showcase Interview
1:11:39 Miss Stormreach 3
1:18:25 Press and Population!
1:22:33 Lawsuit bookkeeping
1:23:35 DDO Europe Screenshot Contest
1:23:50 Jaggie shoutout
1:24:44 Emails
TOTAL TIME:1:37:37
LINK to Eladrin's writeup on Past Life Feats on the DDO.com Lammania boards.
LINK to Eladrin's basic explanation of raid loot crafting on the DDO.com Lammania boards.
LINK to the Miss Stormreach Pageant web site and LINK to the main thread about it on DDO.com.
LINK to Thanimal's DDO.com warforged pickup line post that inspired Rheebus' Top Ten.
LINK to info the DDO Herald by Odd Duck Computing.
LINK to the DDO Fashion Showcase (thanks Erica!)
LINK to DDO-Europe's new player screenshot contest.
LINK to info on Turbine's pumpkin carving contest.
LINK to the latest on Massively's DDO "Choose my Adventure."
LINK to the DDO article in Sarcastic Gamer.
LINK to the big Ars Technica article about DDO.
LINK to the Digg post about the Ars Technica article - Digg it!
LINK to MMORPGFocus.com, where there's a registered user only article about DDO.
LINK to Turbine's response to Atari's countersuit in the NY District Court system.
LINK to Jaggie's latest project thread on DDO.com.