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  1. #1
    Community Member Carodine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default New Player Seeking Guild

    I am a new player (obviously) who is currently seeking an active guild, I do not currently have an established character so I am willing to play on just about any server.

    My account is F2P but once I find a class I enjoy and commit to a character I will more than likely invest in some modules.

    I would prefer a mature guild with a respectable volume of active players whose peak hours are around noon-to-midnight EST.

    I am not looking for a zerg guild as I want to enjoy running the content at a fair pace and am open to lite RP.

  2. #2
    Community Member tipkag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Check out RiP

    Hi there,

    I'm not sure if we're exactly what you're looking for, but from your post we must be close! Check out Rest in Pieces at - we're on Sarlona if you're interested.

    We are mature in outlook, definitely anti-zerg, encourage role-play and tolerance of varying play-styles - overall we just like to have fun, and help each other out where we can.

    We may not be large enough for your wishes, I'm a little unclear about what you want in this respect from your post, but those members that we do have (and we are growing at the moment) are friendly, active, and welcoming to new guildmates, which for me was a more important consideration that sheer member numbers.

    If you like what you see on the web-site, feel free to chat to any members in-game (if your after me specifically look out for RodWarcle) for more information or follow the joining guidelines on the web-site.

    Hope you find what you are looking for,


  3. #3
    Community Member Kemoc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Guild

    Could not pm you so: I have got some of my best members through posts just like yours. The Wild Geese is casual mature guild, we like to enjoy the content we paid for. I have a recruiting website on gamerdna but it's not necessary, it does however help me keep track of some of the background on the members. This is my blog that kind of ties it all together. If you don't like it you can drop out no hard feelings. Members are spread across most time zones, I am pst, there are some eastern time and I have some european players as well that are 8 hours ahead of me including my second officer who plays from Sweden but stays up late. You can send Jethro Tull of Cannith a tell, or send me a pm and set something up so I know who you are. Other officers that can sign you up are Bebop and Xanidor.
    Last edited by Kemoc; 10-16-2009 at 02:28 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    If you haven't found a home yet, come take a look at House Phoenix ( We are a well-established, stable, no-drama, casual, mature, family-friendly multi-game guild that has been around for years and active in all major MMOs.

    We are currently active on the Cannith server and have a steady group of players who play nightly, are very friendly and helpful, and always focus on having fun.

    See what we have to offer. Here's a link to our recruitment thread:

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