One question... does Fighter Strategy work on Stunning Fists?
One question... does Fighter Strategy work on Stunning Fists?
No it doesn't, each fighter strategy works on Trip, Sunder, or Stunning Blow.
BONG!!!! That's incorrect Bob! If you check behind door number one you'll find...
"Improvements to the DC of Stunning Blow now also affect Stunning Fist. Stunning Fist now also uses the character's top attack bonus, like most active attacks that require feat expenditure to acquire. "
Before you ask. Yes, it's been tested. No, Weighted from Handwraps still doesn't affect Stunning Fist DC. Yes, the Devs know and are working on it. If you want additional quotes and links you'll have to find them yourself, the alcohol broke my helpful button.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
Thanks! That is good newsNow I need to find some AP's to free up
Oh, what sad times are these when drunken trolls can say BONG!!! at will to sensitive forum posters. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history. (Modified for your reading pleasure)
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
Frequently!Seriously, last night I started on the bottle of Vodka after my wife set off the alarm going out for a late night smoke. Normally that wouldn't start the drinking, but when the security company called to verify everything was OK she gave em the wrong password and they called the cops
! (which we didn't find out till they called my cell phone to let me know the alarm had been tripped and the cops were not only on their way but couldn't be recalled
. I figured if I had to wait for the cops I might as well get a bit schnookered. All in all it was a fun night. Spent the rest of it sloshed, posting on the forums and laughing at my wife.
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).
Yah, you won. I bow before the mightiness that is Aesop! BONG!!!
D.W.A.T: (Now with Non-Dwarf support)
Founder of the (D.W.A.T) Elf Rebellion and Supporter of the H (alfling). I(ntel). T(eam).