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  1. #1
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Default Level-ups as per update 1

    For those building Monks, or currently levelling them, or even thinking of Reincarnating... where are you aiming to put your level-ups?

    WIS x 5? (or Wis X 4, Dex X 1 if you're doing 15 base + 1 lvl up + 2 tome to get to 18 base).
    Or WIS and CON?

    Not sure that STR is worthwhile anymore when we can spam 2d20 dmg ki strikes instead with our metalline of pure good/greater bane handwraps with holy burst rings and all...

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Mar 2006


    If you want to spam those 2d20 (and 16 Physical) strikes you better get an 18 in the relevant stats.

    I've previously put all level ups into Strength. Now that I'm more near end game, when I Lesser Reincarnate I will distribute level up points to round things off to even numbers. As I acquire +3 tomes or Litany of the Dead, or whatever, I'll Lesser Reincarnate and distribute points again. However, my first goal will be to achieve an 18 in Str/Dex/Con/Wis, then I'll distribute the remaining points where I want.

    I started with 14 Con, and my 20th Shroud just gave me a +3 Con Tome (and +3 Int, and the rest +2, blech), so upon Reincarnate, Con will get 1 level up, and with the +3 Con tome I have my 18.

    Given the gear and +2 tomes I'm acquiring for my other stats, Str (which would normally hold my other 4 level up points) and Wis end up odd. So I'll take one level up from Str, put it into Wis, and round those two out too.

    I'll readjust as tomes/gear is acquired. Gonna primarily stay the course on the Strength thing, even as a Halfling, don't really have room for Weapon Finesse...though I'll adjust if the situation warrants it.
    Last edited by rimble; 10-15-2009 at 04:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jun 2006


    Like rimble, I have all of my points distributed evenly, so I can pick up GM in each stance.

    Basically the plan is to start with
    14 Str
    16 Dex
    14 Con
    16 Wis

    Put lvl 4 into Dex for TWF, 8 & 12 into Str, and 16 & 20 into Con. With a +1 tome for dex, and +2 tomes for str, con & wis, it will put you at 18 for each stat.

    From there it's just gear and enhancements that determines how your character will play.
    Last edited by Cedwin; 10-16-2009 at 12:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Yeah, not sure what I was thinking there to be honest. I saw those 2d20 strikes on test, got momentarily excited, and posted this, forgetting about other stats for a second there.

    As per mob resistances/immunities, it seems as though wind/lightning and earth strikes are the best dps options.
    And as our dps will be moreso from extra damage dice such as weapon effects, burst rings, and ki strikes, STR isn't as important anymore (especially since, if we need extra Ki, sun stance tier 1 works just fine on a per-hit basis if we're not critical hitting).

    So I'd say I'm aiming for GM wind and water stances (the latter moreso for just a good solid WIS for finishers / stunning fist / QP DC's), as well as at least tier 3 in earth.
    Not sure I want to put any points into Str anymore, to be honest.

    So on a 28 pt human that started with:
    S : 14
    D : 15
    C : 14
    I : 10
    W : 14
    Ch: 8
    I'll probably go +1 dex (+2 tome = 18 base), +2 wis (+2 tome = 18), and +2 con (+2 tome = 18).

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