Hey all
Just failed a Shroud with my 15 Barb. Now there were a number of newbies, and out 2 healers were really stretched thin. Did fine until parts 4 and 5 , then not so good.
I've never had a problem getting heald in the srhoud before, but this is my first WF toon.
Repair serious pots are just about useless, but I don't have the CHr,Int or Wis to take the 10pt hit from a SF pot.
Just curious if anyone has experience with them, is it worth dropping some items so that I can get those scores above 11, or do they still stun you for a bit?
I'm not expecting healing in Shrouds/other raids to be a major issue, but I'd like to have some way to regain HP's quickly if it does.
Also (if anyone has experience) Would you wear a Docent of Defiance or Blood vs Arrak? (or DT which I don't have yet) had the defiance on, and I think it worked well, but noticed in part 5 he'd occasionally move far enough away from we (when defiance was on) that I couldn't hit him.