Well sorry to see you go but you got a few things wrong:
First and foremost if you had a cleric the vampire should be dead now. Everyone knows vampires hate light (sheesh its been in the vampire myths since creation) and so it would be no surprise that light spells do double damage to a vampire. I have been in Cult twice on elite with a level 10 Favored soul. Both times that party simply kept the vamp in place and I took him down with empowerd searing lights. Don't blame DDO game deisgn for a bad decision on your part.
As to lack of content...please. There is plenty of content. Could there be more? Sure! Is there a lot? Yes. I played WoW and hated it. Same repetititve stuff over and over and over. Hell my son recently quit WoW for DDO because it is so much better.
Anyway do what you want but becarefull about pointing out flaws and using an exampel of a fail when you had the easy button and failed to use it.