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  1. #41
    Community Member RavenStormclaw's Avatar
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    Well sorry to see you go but you got a few things wrong:

    First and foremost if you had a cleric the vampire should be dead now. Everyone knows vampires hate light (sheesh its been in the vampire myths since creation) and so it would be no surprise that light spells do double damage to a vampire. I have been in Cult twice on elite with a level 10 Favored soul. Both times that party simply kept the vamp in place and I took him down with empowerd searing lights. Don't blame DDO game deisgn for a bad decision on your part.

    As to lack of content...please. There is plenty of content. Could there be more? Sure! Is there a lot? Yes. I played WoW and hated it. Same repetititve stuff over and over and over. Hell my son recently quit WoW for DDO because it is so much better.

    Anyway do what you want but becarefull about pointing out flaws and using an exampel of a fail when you had the easy button and failed to use it.

  2. #42
    Community Member dopey69's Avatar
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    Default nice

    Quote Originally Posted by cardmj1 View Post
    For those who do not know about the place where we play, here is a map straight from the books.

    I have never looked at a dnd book lol I thought 3 barrel cove was on the other side
    pluss rep to u

  3. #43
    Community Member Anarkius's Avatar
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    I just gotta say I lol-ed more the once at the 'critiques' of DDO in comparison to the other MMO's out there. I wish ya luck, don't forget to donate your lowbie gear to someone that might actually use it (and no, I don't want it).
    I believe in mind over matter. If I don't mind, it doesn't matter.

    Sarlona! Yep, back again.

  4. #44
    Community Member dpeters911's Avatar
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    Smile Snoochie Boochie!

    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post
    Once you run an adventure once or twice, the thrill of finding something new is gone. No randomization.
    The quests aren't randomized but the loot is. The thrill is working as a team for a common goal. Make no mistake - this game focuses on a party and cooperation like no other.

    Very limited player content. I mean come on, ONE city?
    This is a drawback at first but makes sense in the long run. The game focuses on quests (not wandering mobs).

    There are plenty of towns and locations to see though: outer planes, levels of hell, desert outposts, etc. It's just not presented in that seamless fashion favored by other MMOs.

    Low replay value.
    Not sure what you mean - there's always a chance to see what a new role takes. No, it's not WoW in terms of time but there isn't that grind of get quests/mob/turn in, repeat. Instead, there's a party focus, with instanced dungeons that rely on good tactics (and quest-specific balances).

    I understand that this IS an MMO, but with scaleable difficulty, a level 11 rogue, paladin, and cleric should be able to run dungeons two levels lower in normal mode with ease and kill the boss. Specifically thinking of "The church and the Cult" Level 9, Temple of Vol. Even with the pally burning his LoH's which damage the vampire, and the rogue dual weilding holy weaps of PG, the cleric dropping a blade barrier, and casting cure crit wounds to damage the vamp, the boss should not be near un-killable due to his high AC and regeneration.
    Even two levels lower than your average party, that dungeons is not designed for three. You need the minimum recommended (4 level 9 will always average more damage than 3 level 11). Add in the fact you need Prot. from Fire, Prot. from Evil, etc. Not every dungeon is tailored to a Tank/Healer/Utility/Nuker. Some dungeons prefer rogues where others are useless. Holy weapons are nowhere near as good as ones that break his resistance in DPS.

    If you've played the PnP version, you'd realize that a difference in a level isn't nearly as dramatic toward DPS/survival (unless taking the right feats). The quest is also extremely challenging for its level. I've done with a party of 5 (Ranger/Rogue - Cleric - Fighter - Bard - Favored Soul) and we were all the appropriate level. You need to prepare better. LoH is not nearly as good as a Cure Mod or Serious Wounds wand. Try that. Lasts longer too.

    Bugs - Not being able to hit monsters when theyre right next to you, the targeting system randomly targeting everything around you so your rarely killing one monster at a time and taking forever to kill the whole group at once. falling damage from walking off a ledge, while wearing feather falling boots, ect. There's more I could list, but im sure people are well aware of them.
    There are control scheme options - like double click to auto attack a given monster, etc.

    I will concede there are major bugs hampering some quests. Others are imbalanced (i.e. Proof is in the Poison).

    Poor crafting system. By poor, I mean incredibly anemic. Its like "Hey, lets put a crafting system in the game, Uh what do we have it build? Um... I dunno, hot pockets?"
    Agreed. Crafting was literally an afterthought - it wasn't added until much later.

    The collectibles, which there were far too many of, and far too little to do with.. You dont need 30 different collectibles for each zone.
    Agreed. They're a nuisance for the 5 to the mid teens.

    The F2P idea was great, and im sure it gave turbine a nice boost, but I really dont think this is gonna last.
    This business model is gaining traction in the states and is a perennial favorite in Asian/Europe. This allows them to break into new markets while keeping a larger fan base. This, in turn, allows more funds for development.

    Another thing that gets me is how badly they ***** the game out. I mean buying points so you can buy high end raid loot?
    You can't buy end game raid loot. +2 was the cap last I checked (with other statuses on it).

    It's a shame you're leaving. There's a solid game when thinking about the quest is more than role balancing - you have to prepare the right mix of spells/potions/wands/gear for the more challenging ones. The reward? Massive experience, a greater sense of accomplishment, and better gear/favor.

    It's a solid game in my opinion - and one that beats the grind I experienced in WoW. The PnP translation leaves the strategy intact (even adding more to it then the standard 3.0/3.5 d20 rules do).
    Last edited by dpeters911; 10-17-2009 at 07:08 AM.

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