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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default It was fun, but...

    Well, I ended my account today after playing for a month. This game has some really good aspects, and some really bad ones...

    Good voice chat support.
    Good grouping support.
    Fairly faithful D&D Rules translation.
    Excellent short-term entertainment.
    Acceptable graphics, slightly dated, but overall, not bad.
    Several fun low-level adventures and dungeons to figgure out.
    Excellent outdoor maps.

    Once you run an adventure once or twice, the thrill of finding something new is gone. No randomization.
    Very limited player content. I mean come on, ONE city?
    Low replay value.
    I understand that this IS an MMO, but with scaleable difficulty, a level 11 rogue, paladin, and cleric should be able to run dungeons two levels lower in normal mode with ease and kill the boss. Specifically thinking of "The church and the Cult" Level 9, Temple of Vol. Even with the pally burning his LoH's which damage the vampire, and the rogue dual weilding holy weaps of PG, the cleric dropping a blade barrier, and casting cure crit wounds to damage the vamp, the boss should not be near un-killable due to his high AC and regeneration.
    Bugs - Not being able to hit monsters when theyre right next to you, the targeting system randomly targeting everything around you so your rarely killing one monster at a time and taking forever to kill the whole group at once. falling damage from walking off a ledge, while wearing feather falling boots, ect. There's more I could list, but im sure people are well aware of them.
    Poor crafting system. By poor, I mean incredibly anemic. Its like "Hey, lets put a crafting system in the game, Uh what do we have it build? Um... I dunno, hot pockets?"
    The collectibles, which there were far too many of, and far too little to do with.. You dont need 30 different collectibles for each zone.

    DDo's been around how long now?

    The F2P idea was great, and im sure it gave turbine a nice boost, but I really dont think this is gonna last.

    Another thing that gets me is how badly they ***** the game out. I mean buying points so you can buy high end raid loot?

    Ahh well, hopefully someone at turbine reads this and takes the time to correct the issues, If not, the game will slowly die out.. And the $15 they got from me for a month of VIP... Well, I guess I saved atleast that much in gas by staying in.

  2. #2
    Community Member Fortano's Avatar
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    Hey, I like hot pockets!

  3. #3
    Community Member BLAKROC's Avatar
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    too bad you not of which you speak if you coulnd't kill that vamp with that group it was hopeless for you.

    an all of you cons are probably misdiagnosed all well.

    if you only played till level 9 or 11 what would you know of high end raids?

    Crafting is in the shroud and i doubt you were even there so how can you know??

    I guess if you want to make wooden sticks and farm rutabegas or some such then wow or lotr is more for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post

  4. #4
    Community Member Narmolanya's Avatar
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    The three of you could not Run that quest?
    My real forum Join date is July 2007. Maybe one day someone will develop the awsome technology to fix this currently unfixable bug.

  5. #5
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post
    Well, I ended my account today after playing for a month. This game has some really good aspects, and some really bad ones...

    Good voice chat support.
    Good grouping support.
    Fairly faithful D&D Rules translation.
    Excellent short-term entertainment.
    Acceptable graphics, slightly dated, but overall, not bad.
    Several fun low-level adventures and dungeons to figgure out.
    Excellent outdoor maps.

    Once you run an adventure once or twice, the thrill of finding something new is gone. No randomization.
    Very limited player content. I mean come on, ONE city?
    Low replay value.
    the boss should not be near un-killable due to his high AC and regeneration.
    Bugs - Not being able to hit monsters when theyre right next to you, the targeting system randomly targeting . falling damage from walking off a ledge, while wearing feather falling boots, ect.
    Poor crafting system.
    The collectibles, which there were far too many of, and far too little to do with.. You dont need 30 different collectibles for each zone.

    DDo's been around how long now?

    The F2P idea was great, and im sure it gave turbine a nice boost, but I really dont think this is gonna last.

    I mean buying points so you can buy high end raid loot?

    Ahh well, hopefully someone at turbine reads this and takes the time to correct the issues, If not, the game will slowly die out.. And the $15 they got from me for a month of VIP... Well, I guess I saved atleast that much in gas by staying in.
    - you can always go f2p
    - falling damage while wearing FF items I have never seen
    - DDO has been around since feb 2006 officially almost 4 yrs now
    - you cant buy high end gear in the store (+2 tomes were offered on a limited basis but will likely return)
    - the game will indeed die out, it has been dying for 4yrs, but always seems to find a way to breathe new life again

    stick around as F2P if you like and see what time brings.
    Last edited by captain1z; 10-14-2009 at 09:58 PM.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  6. #6
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    What high end raid content in store?

  7. #7
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Issac says:

    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  8. #8
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post
    . falling damage from walking off a ledge, while wearing feather falling boots, ect.
    im sure he was probably wearing the clicky, not the passive item.

    also, you can turn that auto-target junk off.. i sure as heck have.

    too lazy to respond to your posts. you won't read this anyway. enjoy runescape
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  9. #9
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    im sure he was probably wearing the clicky, not the passive item.

    oh that makes sense....... good point.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLAKROC View Post
    too bad you not of which you speak if you coulnd't kill that vamp with that group it was hopeless for you.

    an all of you cons are probably misdiagnosed all well.

    if you only played till level 9 or 11 what would you know of high end raids?

    Crafting is in the shroud and i doubt you were even there so how can you know??

    I guess if you want to make wooden sticks and farm rutabegas or some such then wow or lotr is more for you.
    Lets see... Yup, vamp is still alive, group walked out cause everyone got bored of hitting something that wouldnt die, and this was just used as one example...

    What do I know of high end raids? Eh, probably just as much as you. Just because Im running around on a level 11 char, doesnt mean I dont talk to people that are all level 11 or lower...

    Yes, I know crafting is in the shroud, and from the recipe's i've seen, its really not all that impressive. but given the collectible system they have in place, it could easily be fleshed out quite a bit.

    On top of that, I did have a couple more things to add to the OP that instead I'll leave here...

    According to D&D rules, if something your fighting moves away, you get a free attack... Its called an attack of opportunity.. If something runs up RIGHT next to you, then runs past you, on its way to another character, Attack of opportunity... This game seems to have forgotten about that completely, I cant count the number of times i've whiffed on account of things running right passed me, no miss message or anything. I cant count the number of trips/sunders that have missed because a mob has backed off mid attack.

    Oh, im sure i'll continue to stick around on F2P for a while, but I definatley wont be paying again until the game provides me with actual entertainment again...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    im sure he was probably wearing the clicky, not the passive item.

    also, you can turn that auto-target junk off.. i sure as heck have.

    too lazy to respond to your posts. you won't read this anyway. enjoy runescape

    1. It WAS the passive item.
    2. The ledge was rather short and shouldnt have incurred falling damage to begin with.
    3. Auto targeting doesnt seem to make much of a difference, when your dual weiling, and fighting more than 1 mob, it seems to hit them at random, even when the targeting eye is squarely on one of them the entire fight.

  12. #12
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post

    1. It WAS the passive item. then you probably took damage from arrows or a spell.
    2. The ledge was rather short and shouldnt have incurred falling damage to begin with.understood
    3. Auto targetingturn it completely off. it makes a WORLD of a difference. doesnt seem to make much of a difference, when your dual weiling, and fighting more than 1 mob, it seems to hit them at random, even when the targeting eye is squarely on one of them the entire fight.
    i'm not yelling at ya OP.. i was being sarcastic. didn't expect you to respond. sry

    rogue are notoriously bad at dealing decent dps to undead (no sneak attack)

    depending on the pally build, it may not be any good at dps. maybe it was designed more as an AC tank? not sure, just mentioning.

    sorry you're having such problems.

    anything i can help out with; ask away
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  13. #13
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Again I ask, what high end raid loot in store?

  14. #14
    Community Member Asketes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    Again I ask, what high end raid loot in store?
    haha did that come up?

    didn't notice that..

    that is false, nothing is available as such in the DDO store
    (Perma) - Khyber - Official Helpers Guild Noob
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    Grease is an extremely valuable party buff.

  15. #15
    Knight of Movember
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    Exclamation Hmmm

    Well, have a good time wherever you land.

    I would ask others to take your comments with a healthy dose of salt as you didn't take the time to experience quite a bit of the game other than through hearsay. And to complain about 1 quest? That vampire is tougher than ones in higher level content and known to be so. I have seen full party wipes on that vamp when people weren't prepared. Might I suggest something silver next time ...

    I have never seen or heard of anyone taking falling damage while wearing a featherfall item other than in Reaver or falling from the sky after battling a certain red dragon (and that's because normal rules do not apply in those cases). I would say check your combat log again.

    Lastly, while your complaints about the combat system seem to have some merit, I would note one of the features about DDO pretty much acknowledged by almost every 3rd party review I have seen have stated that DDO combat is the best out there and "The" feature that makes DDO stand out. Thus, I would take your comment to mean there is room for improvement. I would like to know what combat system you feel works in real time as this and functions as well or better.
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  16. #16
    Community Member Letrii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Asketes View Post
    haha did that come up?

    didn't notice that..

    that is false, nothing is available as such in the DDO store
    Closest I can think are +1 tomes and +2 tomes for the holiday weekend.

  17. #17
    Community Member SteeleTrueheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Letrii View Post
    Again I ask, what high end raid loot in store?
    Small ingredients are available.. I am not sure if you can consider them 'high end' but they are definitely raid loot.
    Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
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  18. #18


    Answers in Red.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post
    Once you run an adventure once or twice, the thrill of finding something new is gone. No randomization.

    Traps are randomized as to which ones you hit in more recently designed dungeons. The set of monsters in an encounter can change based on difficulty level. Though yes - we all would like slightly more random dungeons... though then it would be tougher for them to design specific quests and their dungeon geometry creation tech isn't really suited for random layout.

    Very limited player content. I mean come on, ONE city?

    If you use and Eberron source book and play all the different areas, you'll find that quite a bit of area is covered geographically... especially given the latest content is on the plane of Shavarath. Just unlike other MMO's you don't spend a large time going between locations.

    Low replay value.

    Yes, the content delivery is slow, but I find the largest replay value is in the different build types you take to the content - especially given this is one of the only premium MMO's that lets you take a different class each level.

    I understand that this IS an MMO, but with scaleable difficulty, a level 11 rogue, paladin, and cleric should be able to run dungeons two levels lower in normal mode with ease and kill the boss. Specifically thinking of "The church and the Cult" Level 9, Temple of Vol. Even with the pally burning his LoH's which damage the vampire, and the rogue dual weilding holy weaps of PG, the cleric dropping a blade barrier, and casting cure crit wounds to damage the vamp, the boss should not be near un-killable due to his high AC and regeneration.

    Sounds like the rogue should have had silver or xmuting weapons as those penetrate the vampire's DR.... and possibly a higher + value on them. Bringing a bard to help you hit or obviously a caster to obliterate the vampire would help... but he is one of the first very fast regenerating mobs you hit. Challenging content is good.... though some might say an arcane is required for this quest.... though I've seen a good fighter/barb/ranger with the right weapons take him down.

    Bugs - Not being able to hit monsters when theyre right next to you, the targeting system randomly targeting everything around you so your rarely killing one monster at a time and taking forever to kill the whole group at once.

    Hitting tab locks the monster you're targetting. There are other targetting options you can setup in the UI. Hitting "g" disables soft targetting that you are describing.

    falling damage from walking off a ledge, while wearing feather falling boots, ect.

    Haven't seen this for 2 years. Sounds like a new bug or a someone who thought they had on boots but didn't.

    There's more I could list, but im sure people are well aware of them.
    Poor crafting system. By poor, I mean incredibly anemic. Its like "Hey, lets put a crafting system in the game, Uh what do we have it build? Um... I dunno, hot pockets?"
    The collectibles, which there were far too many of, and far too little to do with.. You dont need 30 different collectibles for each zone.

    At one point they were supposed to release a SUPER CRAZY crafting everything system that would use all the collectibles, gems and other items you pickup. But it's been delayed over and over and over. I think a lot of what you would have crafted has instead been shoved into the store. There is raid crafting in the shroud/tower of despair and lotto crafting in the reaver's refuge for useful items. But a valid point they don't have an all encompassing crafting system. Though those bored me a quite a bit in Warhammer/WoW/etc.

    Another thing that gets me is how badly they ***** the game out. I mean buying points so you can buy high end raid loot?

    There is no bound raid loot from the store (yet).

    Regarding your comment on Attacks of Opportunity - that sort of goes contrary to their "player controlled" combat. The game doesn't automatically make you swing when a mob moves away - what if you wanted to cast or move instead. It's also why cleave is implemented as a wide swing instead of an AoE after killing a mob.
    Last edited by Gratch; 10-14-2009 at 11:00 PM.
    Casual DDOaholic

  19. #19
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    You have no idea, and ONE point you cant buy end game loot with points only way to get it is to do the quests and then to get lucky.

    AS to falling damage while wearing feather falling boots hmmm let me guess you were wearing boots of feather falling and didnt bother to read the description those are a clickie with a very limited duration and charges you just saw their named and assumed I bet.
    Last edited by Uska; 10-14-2009 at 11:49 PM.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #20
    Community Member BLAKROC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morndenkainen View Post
    Lets see... Yup, vamp is still alive, group walked out cause everyone got bored of hitting something that wouldnt die, and this was just used as one example...

    What do I know of high end raids? Eh, probably just as much as you. Just because Im running around on a level 11 char, doesnt mean I dont talk to people that are all level 11 or lower...

    Yes, I know crafting is in the shroud, and from the recipe's i've seen, its really not all that impressive. but given the collectible system they have in place, it could easily be fleshed out quite a bit.

    On top of that, I did have a couple more things to add to the OP that instead I'll leave here...

    According to D&D rules, if something your fighting moves away, you get a free attack... Its called an attack of opportunity.. If something runs up RIGHT next to you, then runs past you, on its way to another character, Attack of opportunity... This game seems to have forgotten about that completely, I cant count the number of times i've whiffed on account of things running right passed me, no miss message or anything. I cant count the number of trips/sunders that have missed because a mob has backed off mid attack.

    Oh, im sure i'll continue to stick around on F2P for a while, but I definatley wont be paying again until the game provides me with actual entertainment again...
    yes level 11 and lower are such fountains of knowlede about high end quest

    go to the shroud loot planner and see all the recipes then you will learn of what you speak.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarrant View Post

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