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  1. #1
    Founder Undeadrat's Avatar
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    Default 32 point build from store

    Is the 32 point build from the DDO store accross all servers or just on one? If accross all servers, what about those that unlocked 32 point by grinding? Will they now have 32 point builds available on all servers?

  2. #2
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    Buying it unlocks it on all servers.

    Grinding for it only unlocks it on the server you get the favor on.

    Same with the Favored Soul class.

  3. #3
    Founder Undeadrat's Avatar
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    So... unlocking favored soul on one server requires you to obtain more total favor then it takes to unlock a 32 point build but costs about half as much to buy from the DDO store? It doesn't make sense to me.

    This should be changed to reflect the relative difficulty to unlock these things through grinding favor imho

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undeadrat View Post
    So... unlocking favored soul on one server requires you to obtain more total favor then it takes to unlock a 32 point build but costs about half as much to buy from the DDO store? It doesn't make sense to me.
    I think it's because the favored soul is just a class that you can play as, but the 32 point build affects every character that you roll from then on.

    I'm sure if they would have came out with the favored soul before 32 point builds, it would be flip flopped, FvS at 1750, and 32 point build at 2800 or whatever. They came out with the 32 point build back in 2006 or 2007, and the FvS just recently.

  5. #5
    Founder Undeadrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedwin View Post
    I think it's because the favored soul is just a class that you can play as, but the 32 point build affects every character that you roll from then on.

    I'm sure if they would have came out with the favored soul before 32 point builds, it would be flip flopped, FvS at 1750, and 32 point build at 2800 or whatever. They came out with the 32 point build back in 2006 or 2007, and the FvS just recently.
    True they came out with fovored soul later but they are inserting the veteren unlock at 1000 favor so it looks to me like they could have inserted the FvS earlier down the favor list.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undeadrat View Post
    True they came out with fovored soul later but they are inserting the veteren unlock at 1000 favor so it looks to me like they could have inserted the FvS earlier down the favor list.
    They could have, but when they released the 32 point build, the max favor you could get was only around 1800ish. Now that you can get over 3000.. they had to add something up the chain for people to grind to.

  7. #7
    Community Member Lord_Legolas's Avatar
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    For many of us whom have been playing for +3 years the 32 point grind was a long and hard one! It just doesn't sit well with me that a new player can come in and buy his 32 point, and buy almost everything else! If your going to let them buy it, they need to reach deaply into their pockets to buy it! 1495 DDO Points doesn't seem enough! I'm talking like 5K if not more!

    Just like us they either need to do the long hard grind!!! Or reach deeply into their pockets!!!
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  8. #8
    Community Member DakFrost's Avatar
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    Can't wait till the 32 point goes into effect on all servers!

    Bought and bought!

    I knew there was I reason I was putting off grinding for it. I would rather spend money (which I have) then time (which I'm short on) getting that 32 pointer.

  9. #9
    Founder Undeadrat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Legolas View Post
    For many of us whom have been playing for +3 years the 32 point grind was a long and hard one! It just doesn't sit well with me that a new player can come in and buy his 32 point, and buy almost everything else! If your going to let them buy it, they need to reach deaply into their pockets to buy it! 1495 DDO Points doesn't seem enough! I'm talking like 5K if not more!

    Just like us they either need to do the long hard grind!!! Or reach deeply into their pockets!!!

    I've played for some time too and I agree. I actually wouldn't mind seeing it like this...

    ... grind to 1750 = unlock on all servers
    ... buy it on store = unlock on one server

    This would make it so that those who have paid and played over time to grind the 1750 out will get a bonus of it on all servers while those who want to pay for it could have it on one until they grind it out to unlock it on all. Turbine would make money off the sell of content that would be needed by F2P people to reach the 1750 favor for all access like they made off the VIPs who kept the subscription for all the time it took to unkock

  10. #10
    Founder Psyk0sisS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undeadrat View Post
    I've played for some time too and I agree. I actually wouldn't mind seeing it like this...

    ... grind to 1750 = unlock on all servers
    ... buy it on store = unlock on one server

    This would make it so that those who have paid and played over time to grind the 1750 out will get a bonus of it on all servers while those who want to pay for it could have it on one until they grind it out to unlock it on all. Turbine would make money off the sell of content that would be needed by F2P people to reach the 1750 favor for all access like they made off the VIPs who kept the subscription for all the time it took to unkock
    I agree with the server unlocks, investing time is almost always more valuble than investing money (which is why people are willing to spend money instead of grinding). Having ground the favor should weigh more than clicking "buy".

    *Disclaimer* I'm not saying there shouldn't be 32pt in the store, just the power that buying gives.
    -KHYBER- Current Mains: Dios D'Muerte - Barb>FvS>Bard>Wiz>Art / Deeos D'Muerte - 20 Ninja(TR2) / Draugar D'Muerte - 20 Ninja (TR1) .Deyna D'Muerte - 20 Assassin x3 (TR2)
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  11. #11
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    I would have thought adding the gr reincarnate feature would have lessened the need for this. oh well.
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  12. #12
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Legolas View Post
    For many of us whom have been playing for +3 years the 32 point grind was a long and hard one! It just doesn't sit well with me that a new player can come in and buy his 32 point, and buy almost everything else! If your going to let them buy it, they need to reach deaply into their pockets to buy it! 1495 DDO Points doesn't seem enough! I'm talking like 5K if not more!

    Just like us they either need to do the long hard grind!!! Or reach deeply into their pockets!!!
    I love being able to give neg rep to people that think that all characters created by new players should be penalized because they haven't yet gone through an easy, but VERY dull and boring rite of initiation.
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  13. #13
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    I was against it but now thats happening just let it go we fought we lost no big deal.

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  14. #14
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    Best thing would have been if they added 32 point builds and the incarnation system at the same time.

    Basically it should have been like this for everyone:

    All chars start with 28 point builds.

    When you reach 1750 favour on a character that character and that character only gets the option to do a reincarnation and be upgraded to 32 points at level 1. Characters should be able to choose between 2 different reincarnation ways.

    Option 1: Upgrade to 32 points at lvl 1 and level up like TR on Lammania today. For those that want a completely new build with different class(es).

    Option 2: Upgrade to 32 points and level up to same level as before reincarnation. Like GR on Lammania today.

    But I guess its too late for that

  15. #15
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Legolas View Post
    For many of us whom have been playing for +3 years the 32 point grind was a long and hard one! It just doesn't sit well with me that a new player can come in and buy his 32 point, and buy almost everything else! If your going to let them buy it, they need to reach deaply into their pockets to buy it! 1495 DDO Points doesn't seem enough! I'm talking like 5K if not more!

    Just like us they either need to do the long hard grind!!! Or reach deeply into their pockets!!!
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  16. #16
    Founder Urguwno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Legolas View Post
    For many of us whom have been playing for +3 years the 32 point grind was a long and hard one! It just doesn't sit well with me that a new player can come in and buy his 32 point, and buy almost everything else!
    Welcome to the "micro payment" business model.
    • Hardcore players earn in-game rewards by grinding.
    • Casual gamers can buy in-game rewards.

    In this way the publisher is catering to everyone, but of course you can never make everyone happy.
    • Hardcore players will always feel that the in-game rewards are too cheap.
    • Casual gamers will always feel that their purchased in-game rewards should be tougher to achieve for free.

    Worrying about what everyone else has and how they got it is truly elitist. Just play because you enjoy playing or consider a game with a more restrictive business model.

    The community will respond if any in-game reward truly breaks gameplay, whether grinded to or purchased, and the developers are always quick to nerf when necessary.
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  17. #17
    Community Member Kerrn_Siff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urguwno View Post
    [*]Casual gamers will always feel that their purchased in-game rewards should be tougher to achieve for free.
    Why would casual gamers who are using a big red Easy button care if something was easy or hard to get for free? Regardless I'd love to see them grind to 1750 on all servers to open up 32 pt builds on all servers and call that 'easy' compared to buying it.

    This F2P store **** has destroyed the game for me. There is no longer any feeling of accomplishment now for any aspect of the game. Short a few scales? Buy em! Don't have a class/race unlocked on all the servers? Buy them! Out of mana in an Epic quest? Buy pots! Don't feel like grinding for favor to open up 32 pt builds (or 34, or 36..)? Buy it! (But get it unlocked on ALL servers when you buy! yay! \0/)

    Am I going to be buying these things? I hope not as I see them as lame. Considering I've dragged myself on to play all of once in the last few weeks I'm not in great danger of it. Am I elitist? got me, probably by some people's definitions. The way I see it though a game should be hard in order to properly enjoy it. Not everyone should be able to get everything in the game since not everyone plays the same amount of time or with the same skills. There should be uberz out there, permanent n00bz and most people somewhere in between.

    Now we will just have giant servers full of 36pt builds still asking how do they get to Threnal, and when they wipe at a critical point in a raid or quest have no issues buying a rez cake and moving on.

    yay.. fun.. challenge..

    The Server Formerly Known As Aerenal ...and Cannith
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  18. #18
    Community Member Warwolf42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerrn_Siff View Post

    This F2P store **** has destroyed the game for me. There is no longer any feeling of accomplishment now for any aspect of the game. Short a few scales? Buy em! Don't have a class/race unlocked on all the servers? Buy them! Out of mana in an Epic quest? Buy pots! Don't feel like grinding for favor to open up 32 pt builds (or 34, or 36..)? Buy it! (But get it unlocked on ALL servers when you buy! yay! \0/)

    Realize one thing, the fact that Turbine changed their revenue system from subscription based to micro-transaction after 3+ years suggest that they needed to change it. No successful business takes the risk to drastically change their revenue stream if they don't think their current one won't be sustainable. According to a dev interview on ArsTechnica ( ), the switch to Micro-Transaction is more successful than even Turbine expected. So ask yourself, would you rather the game continues as it was with very minimal development (patches and new content) or that Turbine make more money and thereby can put more resources toward the game.

    We still have to see if the current revival of DDO will last but I would bet it will last longer than if it at stayed a purely subscription based game.

    Another thing I would like to comment on is this "feeling of accomplishment", I know it cannot be invalidated because it is after all a feeling and therefore valid in it's own right but, we can explore it. Imagine your hobby was carpentry and you made yourself a nice dining set, would you feel less accomplished because someone else could buy a similar dining set in a store? Or an even better looking one for much more money because they are rich? Is it different in a game because it is all 1s and 0s in the end?

    Just my 2 cents

  19. #19


    Regarding the business model... I agree. To me... the more $ Turbine is now getting the more likely WE are going to get new content. Whether that new content is free to Vets or costly to F2Pers... is not important to me. I just want to see DDO continue with fresh content as well as continuing to keep me interested. Do I grind favor? Yes. Will I purchase stuff from the Store, most likely. I see this as an another poster stated.... they are trying to cater to both crowds... and can't make everyone happy. The alternative is that they can't bring in the $ they need...and DDO goes away.

    Comparing what others have is just setting yourself up for disappointment or resentment. Just play the game you want to play it and be happy in your own way.

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  20. #20
    Community Member shores11's Avatar
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    Default Disappointing

    If Turbine has decided to put 32 point builds in the DDO store all I can say is that it is disappointing. This is one of few core items in DDO that most have very strong fellings about. To allow players to just buy their way to a 32 point build is a cave in by Turbine that tells me they really do not have any intention toward designing and maintaining a game that remotely might get the original founders of D&D's approval. Other than in name this game is venturing further and further from the D&D core that most of us play this game for.

    There needs to be certain items or goals in the game that can ONLY be achieved by questing and obtaining various rewards (not buying it). Next thing you will see you will be able to just buy a 20th level character in the DDO store because some players might say "Why should I grind to level 20, if I am willing to pay for it make it available".

    Its just unfortunate really...
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