Alright, im looking to make a WF sorc because in every group with one im in they just own. Im very inexperienced with warforged though i have played a wizard up to like 14th and a sorc to 7th. I have a couple questions and concerns.
Mithril? With arcane docent and enhancements i could drop failure pretty low, but i dont want to loose those dps fire enhancements, what do you think?
Feats? I would guess the classics are in order here, hieghten,maximize, ext ext ext, Quicken worth it? Seems i dont"really need quickened firewalls and sorcs already cast with less cooldown then wizzys (what im used to playing) so ill prolly feel quienkened anyway. Anyone have a solid progression on when to pick these feats?
Healing? Im guessing stay away from repair spells and use wands until i get a mass cure? I could prolly just use wands, is it worth picking up the first one to help at low lvls? Anyone have a solid spell progession for me? Im thinking firewall/COC, with some CC in there, what CC spell sould i look into the most?
Skills? Concentraion, UMD......and?
Any help would be greatly apprieated, i have a couple +1 tomes, but i dont have a con or intI could prolly get some of the AH pretty easy but there so overblown sometimes. Keep in mind i want this to be a endgame sorc, ill prolly buy the tomes before i build this guy, btw i DO have 32 pnt builds.