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Thread: WF Sorc options

  1. #1
    Community Member karnokvolrath's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default WF Sorc options

    Alright, im looking to make a WF sorc because in every group with one im in they just own. Im very inexperienced with warforged though i have played a wizard up to like 14th and a sorc to 7th. I have a couple questions and concerns.

    Mithril? With arcane docent and enhancements i could drop failure pretty low, but i dont want to loose those dps fire enhancements, what do you think?

    Feats? I would guess the classics are in order here, hieghten,maximize, ext ext ext, Quicken worth it? Seems i dont"really need quickened firewalls and sorcs already cast with less cooldown then wizzys (what im used to playing) so ill prolly feel quienkened anyway. Anyone have a solid progression on when to pick these feats?

    Healing? Im guessing stay away from repair spells and use wands until i get a mass cure? I could prolly just use wands, is it worth picking up the first one to help at low lvls? Anyone have a solid spell progession for me? Im thinking firewall/COC, with some CC in there, what CC spell sould i look into the most?

    Skills? Concentraion, UMD......and?

    Any help would be greatly apprieated, i have a couple +1 tomes, but i dont have a con or int I could prolly get some of the AH pretty easy but there so overblown sometimes. Keep in mind i want this to be a endgame sorc, ill prolly buy the tomes before i build this guy, btw i DO have 32 pnt builds.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    I always run with at least one other warforged when leveling up, so my spell progression is a bit screwy but feat progression is easy.
    (Toughness, FoP, something else you want)
    Spell Pen

    Body feats are a waste, your ac will be terrible at all levels. Stats should be 18 con 16 cha, rest of the points where you want them(either 20 con or some int or 19 con and some int. An odd con means you'll eventually, one day, end up with an odd con. Although, you will also eventually, one day, true reincarnate the character twice and have a 36 point build. I forget how many skill points you get with 8 int and no tome but you really only need 2 skill points/lvl).

    If you're just healing yourself, Light or Medium is probably sufficient until you get Reconstruct at 12. Wall of Fire at 8. If you have the cash, Greater Inferno 4 pots help out quite a bit. At low levels, your CC spells are hypno, web and making them dead.

    Skills are max Concentration and UMD, if you have any other points they go to balance/jump(remember, you'll have a +30 jump buff at 11 so your total modifier before it only needs to be 10).

    edit: I should note that it is possible to drop quicken for another feat if you really want to. You won't notice it 90% of the time. However, when you need quicken, you really need quicken.

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