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  1. #1
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Default the "private" LFM phenomenon

    At first, there was an extreme lacking of PUGS for higher level content, even mid-level.

    now, the past few weeks, I am seeing more and more common there be a LFM up with only one word in the description. "private"

    Several times I have had an in-game mod contact me and ask me to take my LFM down because it was inappropriate usage, and that it should be used only for finding other players for groups.

    using this principle, I think it is not only disrespectful to the community to have an LFM up with Private, but downright offensive. It gives the perception that you are publicly announcing your group, and purposely letting everyone know that nobody is welcome. And maybe this feature is being used purely to gather guild-mates for a private raid, I don't have anything against that, but that is my perception, and perception is reality. So my point is, I feel like there are a few players, maybe specifically one or two guilds, giving a public image "hey you can't be in our club".

    It frustrates me as a player because I play quite often, and often sit around for hours while doing other tasks such as homework (college student) or other productive work, until i find LFMs interesting to hit. So I suppose being frustrated for there being a lack of LFMs to begin with (And I know i can create my own, but that isnt my point) but people posting LFMs that people cannot even have the option of joining is like insult to injury.

    that being said, anyone else feel this way? or am I unreasonably bitter
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  2. #2
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    very often those are groups of friends who use that as a tool to form up more easily ("ok, everyone grab what you want and hit my LFM") or for reforming ("ok, round 2 of hound, grab your next char and hit the LFM")

    It's an appropriate use of the grouping tab and you are taking offense over nothing

  3. #3
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    Don't take it personally, the private is there to help you know to disregard. The open spots are likely just reserved for people that haven't yet logged in.

    I think it probably stems from out-of-game communications with friends that play ddo. Rather than trying to monitor when they log on, they simply say, "I'll have an LFM up that you can join when you log on."

    Another time I've seen it used is when someone logs out so they can log on with a different character to transfer an item to the original character. Logging on to the 2nd character removes the first character from the group automatically. So an LFM is an easy way, especially if you're PUGing, to let that person find their way back to your group.

    I suppose Turbine could code some filters in so that these types of LFM's could be flagged and then filtered, but if they did allocate time to adding filters, I'd prefer they did it for the auction house really.

  4. #4
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    and all of the reasons listed are valid, except that up until now, all of those reasons were placed in the LFM.

    reform, or folks from last run first, stuff like that is usually added. not just private.

    there have been a few LFM problems since mod 9 launched in my opinion, such as new players not knowing how to (or being lazy, but i give them the benefit of the doubt) change the level range so we would have 10-15 LFMs up for levels 1-20 for korthos quests.

    Just restating myself, I could very well be over reacting and may be bitter for no rational reason, maybe just frustrated in general and want to rant on something. logging on an average of 3+ hours a day and not gaining a single level in over a week can be..not so fun.
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  5. #5
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    and all of the reasons listed are valid, except that up until now, all of those reasons were placed in the LFM.

    reform, or folks from last run first, stuff like that is usually added. not just private.

    there have been a few LFM problems since mod 9 launched in my opinion, such as new players not knowing how to (or being lazy, but i give them the benefit of the doubt) change the level range so we would have 10-15 LFMs up for levels 1-20 for korthos quests.

    Just restating myself, I could very well be over reacting and may be bitter for no rational reason, maybe just frustrated in general and want to rant on something. logging on an average of 3+ hours a day and not gaining a single level in over a week can be..not so fun.
    I have to say, if there is an LFM up and all it says is the word "private" it is kind odd. More then likely it is just friends forming up though. Not sure what character they are bringing, so it is easy on the Leader of the party to just have ppl hit the lfm that are suppose to.

    On the other hand, if it is a pure guild group forming that has an lfm saying "private". That is jsut plain silly. Isn't that what the guild section is for. Just invite your peeps, kick some devil/undead/giant/whatever @$$ and be done with it. Leaving an lfm up in a pure guild group is goofy yet lazy all at the same time.

    Now for you OP: I wouldn't bother with being hungup on a single word. If the group isn't for you, then why even bother a single thought over it. You also say that you are on 3+ hours a day and still not leveling? If that is true, I would suggest participating in FORMING groups and not just joining groups.

    GL and happy leveling /cheers - Bunk
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  6. #6
    Community Member Vhlad's Avatar
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    It looks to me like the private LFMs are from a community of friends/guilds primarily doing scheduled abbot training runs. Sign-ups are on their non-official community forums and the LFM goes up at the set time, labeled private, to give priority to the people who signed up.

    Such a scenario would involve people who do not share the same guild or vent, and putting up a LFM is probably more convenient than relying on a private chat channel to form up [especially if people sign up using forum names that are different than the character name they are bringing]. The LFM can also serve to grab the attention of players who may have missed the signup, but know what's going on and can offer to fill in for no-shows or short-mans.
    Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
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  7. #7
    Community Member protokon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vhlad View Post
    It looks to me like the private LFMs are from a community of friends/guilds primarily doing scheduled abbot training runs. Sign-ups are on their non-official community forums and the LFM goes up at the set time, labeled private, to give priority to the people who signed up.

    Such a scenario would involve people who do not share the same guild or vent, and putting up a LFM is probably more convenient than relying on a private chat channel to form up [especially if people sign up using forum names that are different than the character name they are bringing]. The LFM can also serve to grab the attention of players who may have missed the signup, but know what's going on and can offer to fill in for no-shows or short-mans.
    Vhlad, thanks for the reply

    I figured as such, I more so just have bitterness towards the LFMs in general, and instead of bugging someone by sending them a tell while there getting an abbot raid or something, i would've rather gotten a legitimate answer here.

    now to completely change the topic, I have had severe issues with pugging lately (when i form my own groups especially, i would say at least 1 out of 5 i have to drop because of non-cooperative players zerging or not working together, ect..)

    ...anyone want to point me towards a good solo build?
    Proud member of Renowned, Thelanis server.

  8. #8
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    never saw that private thing, might be an american thing

    but you could just state ''full'' in the lfm, then noone can complain
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  9. #9
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    At using this principle, I think it is not only disrespectful to the community to have an LFM up with Private, but downright offensive. It gives the perception that you are publicly announcing your group, and purposely letting everyone know that nobody is welcome.

    It frustrates me as a player because I play quite often, and often sit around for hours while doing other tasks such as homework (college student) or other productive work, until i find LFMs interesting to hit. So I suppose being frustrated for there being a lack of LFMs to begin with (And I know i can create my own, but that isnt my point) but people posting LFMs that people cannot even have the option of joining is like insult to injury.
    Well, when you put it that way, now I kind of feel bad when I put up an LFM that says "private" and then go afk for the rest of the day....

  10. #10
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    "Private" has been used lately it seems for Abbot runs, personally I don't see any issue with it. Its an LFM to group together people who need to hit the LFM - and that way nobody gets turned down that isn't part of the group/reform.
    Thanks for the long time forum user purge of Aug '10 (Sarcasm for those who don't get it)

  11. #11
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    Vhlad, thanks for the reply

    I figured as such, I more so just have bitterness towards the LFMs in general, and instead of bugging someone by sending them a tell while there getting an abbot raid or something, i would've rather gotten a legitimate answer here.
    When you see one of those private LFM's, just put up another one right next to that says, "Even more private, so there!"

    That will show them. But don't get caught peeking through the fence, that ruins the effect.

    On a less non-serious note:

    Either it is a group of players running a pre-arranged quest that are using the LFM to form, or the leader is an ass. So if you yell at the former you will wind up feeling bad because they were using the LFM in a proper way. And if you yell at an ass, nothing will change except you get winded and even more frustrating. because you can't change an ass.

    I know because people have been yelling at me for years, and I haven't changed.
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  12. #12
    Community Member MrWizard's Avatar
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    i thought it was weird at first...but.....

    all the times I have done LFMs saying 'regrouping, guild only, waiting on a certain person, etc..' have always had the effect of numerous people trying to join anyway.

    private is pretty much a perfect word that says if you do not know me or why I have this up, stay away. I think it works as intended and is okay...

    was weird to see at first.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by protokon View Post
    Vhlad, thanks for the reply

    I figured as such, I more so just have bitterness towards the LFMs in general, and instead of bugging someone by sending them a tell while there getting an abbot raid or something, i would've rather gotten a legitimate answer here.

    now to completely change the topic, I have had severe issues with pugging lately (when i form my own groups especially, i would say at least 1 out of 5 i have to drop because of non-cooperative players zerging or not working together, ect..)

    ...anyone want to point me towards a good solo build?
    You have one... 14/2 Cleric/monk is one of the best soloers in the game.
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  14. #14
    Community Member bartcom2000's Avatar
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    I have a response but it's *PRIVATE*
    Next time you get a lecture, just remember the national average salary of any forum admin is comparable to that of your local McDonald's assistant manger........ stating facts must suck.....

  15. #15
    Community Member RTN's Avatar
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    It's usually just saving a raid leader from having to reinvite everyone. The raid leader put ups an LFM and then everyone in the party can just hit join. Nothing more, nothing less.

  16. #16
    Community Member Ebuddy's Avatar
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    Smile I don't get too bent out of shape....

    ...I'll even send a tell to the party leader saying something like, "If you come up short, I have a {insert class/level here} I can run if you need one!" WAY more often than not, I get a tell back in acknowledgement and it's never been negative. A couple of times, I've received an invite after a time...
    Thelanis - Lightbearer - Cleric 20, Sareeshi - Ranger 20 (TR from AA to AA, yea, that's right), Roggiegal - 16/2/2 Rogue, Pally, Fighter, Pyranas - TR Sorceres 19, Pallyguy - Pally 19, Littlebigman - 20/2 (dwarf) Ranger/Fighter (tempest), Locksmythe - 11 Rogue and others...

  17. #17
    Stormreach Advisor

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    I used "private" in the past, to reform for Abbot practice runs, with LFM-ing for a L1 bard only to avoid too many people seeing the LFM as "active".
    I prefer "private" to "reform" because "reform" can be for some PUG where someone may drop and a spot could be open after all. "Private" really means I'm not going to invite anyone but those people I am currently grouping with.

  18. #18
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    I just use "selective" instead. What it means is that it isn't really a public LFM. And yeah, you're probably unusually bitter
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  19. #19
    Community Member gorloch's Avatar
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    I don't see a problem with it. I know of a few guilds/friends that raid together but aren't in the same guild and need a way to form up together. They aren't abusing anything cause they are trying to form up a group either that or are reforming quickly. To me it's no different than groups solely looking for a particular class or level.

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  20. #20
    Community Member Mekkah's Avatar
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    So someone gets offended and reports it to a Mod (like the people who would get offended by using the LFM panel for trading...but that's moot point now due to the "trade channel"...) for an LFM being labeled as "Private?" let me get this straight...someone...UP telling you "Don't join this LFM unless you have a reason to..." so you can avoid rejection.

    Yet, you can hit an LFM, and risk rejection anytime, anyplace....



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