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  1. #1
    Community Member redraider's Avatar
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    Default The Mobster

    The Mobster

    By request, I give you the Mobster build.

    The Mobster is always a Tempest I but can be a Kensai II or Stalwart Defender II. Depending on the raid and the role I will play, I actually switch back and forth. I typically stay with the Defender enhancement most of the time as when things go wrong, buttoning up with a high 70’s/low 80’s AC with a tank who can evade, raise dead, and no-fail heal scroll, is game breaker and the reduced DPS is manageable. If you can put on a pair of Mineral 2 Kopeshes – you are golden. In Kensai mode, you are hitting massive DPS numbers short of just the Max DPS builds.

    The Mobster is not Max DPS. The Mobster is not Max AC. The Mobster is not a Trap Monkey. The Mobster is not Max Intim or UMD. The Mobster is not the best at any one thing, but is simply great at nearly everything. It is simply the most fun build I have ever played.

    The Mobster has lots of combat feats with the levels of fighter. The Mobster can be any race. I chose Human for that extra feat, but more importantly the extra skill point per level and the human adaptability and human skills clickies are critical to the decent Rogue and UMD skills.

    EDIT: The one weakness of this build was tanking Hortoth with only 507 hps. One blow and then the 500 point disintegrate could screw up the raid quickly. Have TR'd into a dwarf (thought seriously about WF buf then you can't use ICY and I have two other TR'd WF so stuck with Dwarf. Expect to finish just over 600 Hps which makes Horoth much more manageable)

    Edit #2 - Testing the Mobster with 18/2 Ftr/Rog in my TR now (just 15 ATM) but thinking the Tempest really isn't all that after the U5 Nerf to TWF speeds.

    The Mobster – Level 20 (12 Ftr / 6 Rgr / 2 Rog)

    Start -- Lvl 20
    Str 16 -- 38 (+5 Lvl +2 Rams +3 DefII +1 Human +3 Ftr +2 tome +6 item)
    Dex 15 -- 24 (+2 tome +6 item +1 Ranger)
    Con 14 -- 26 (+2 tome +6 item +3 DefII +1 Human)
    Int 12 -- 20 (+2 tome +6 item) (+2 tome at Lvl 1)
    Wis 8 -- 10 (+2 tome)
    Cha 12 -- 20 (+2 tome +6 item)

    HPS: 507
    Intim: 61 (66 with Human clicky)
    UMD: 41 (46 with Human clicky)
    Search: 48 (53 with Clicky)
    Balance: 40

    Fort: 29
    Reflex: 30
    Will: 23

    BAB: 19

    FEATS: (not in order of taking… can’t remember)
    Two Weapon Fighting – Free ranger
    Favored Enemy – Elementals
    Die Hard – Free Ranger
    Spring Attack
    Many Shot – Free Ranger
    Favored Enemy – Evil Outsiders
    Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Evasion – Free Rogue
    Improved Crit-Pierce
    Improved Crit-Slash
    Weapon Focus – Slashing
    Two Weapon Specialization – Slashing
    Gtr Two Weapon Specialization - Slashing
    Force of Personality (will save is a weakness on this build - hence this feat)
    Combat Expertise
    Power Attack
    Bull Headed

    10 base
    10 armor (mith breast of destruction)
    7 dex (with ftr armor mast II and ftr tower mast II plus Defender bonus)
    9 Mith Tower shield
    1 Alchemical Armor Ritual
    1 Alchemical Shield Ritual
    5 nat(bark)
    5 Prot
    1 Dodge feat
    2 Chaos Guards
    2 Favored Enemy
    4 Insight (shroud Min II Kop)
    3 chattering ring dodge
    5 Pali Aura
    2 Recitation
    5 Combat Expertise
    2 Stalwart Defender II AC Bonus
    3 Stalwart Defender II +3 Dodge Stance Bonus
    4 Blocking Armor Bonus
    4 Bard
    1 Haste
    5 Fighter Armor Clicky
    91 AC (take off the clicky and pali aura for a normal blocking 81)

    AC 52 with Two Weapon Fighting

    I am not a big build posting guy, so I didn't list all the progressions and feats and skills by level. My Mobster is one of only two toons I have ever built (and I have built many many) that I have no desire to change anything except AP's (swithch back and forth between Kensai and Defender). Here is the progresion I used.

    I went:
    1 Rog
    2-7 Rgr
    8 Ftr (to get feats needed for Tempest)
    9 Rog
    11-20 Ftr

    Your are a bit feat starved early and could easily take a few fighters in 2-7 and delay Tempest, but I love the Tempest attack bonus enough I focused on it first. At all levels this was a DPS killer, the AC really doesn't kick in until you start to gear up late in the game.

    Edit - (I'm sure there are similar builds posted - this is just the summary of my rapunzel build on Ghallanda - by far the most fun I have ever had with a build)
    Last edited by redraider; 08-29-2010 at 07:55 PM.
    Captain's Crew - Ghallanda

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