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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Price check on collectables

    Hi all,

    Thanks in advance for any replies.

    I was scrolling through the auction house and saw that some of the collectables I've picked up over the past few weeks playing seem to be worth more than turning into their in-game collector. I've heard some are used for crafting and would be worth more to trade.

    What would be reasonable price range for the following? And if there are any others to add, I'd appreciate along with any other board trolls here.

    Vial of Pure Water
    Vial of Contagion
    Deadly Feverblanch
    Tome: Prophecies of Khyber
    Necromantic Gem
    Signet of the Devourer

  2. #2
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    No responses? I am interested to hear this too!

    Or just trade collectables. I have an annoying pile of single collectables, which can only be cashed in two's and three's. Would be happy to trade them with someone else in the same situation.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Prices I'm not so good at. I just see what the Majority of them are going for and yeah undercut for the quicker sale.

    Not sure about the crafting ritual these are used for if any:
    Necromatic Gems
    Vial of Contagion

    or why they'd be high price.

    The collectibles that I do know go for good price due to crafting ritual use are:
    Vials of Pure Water
    Tome: Prophecies of Khyber
    Silver Flame Hymnals
    Lighting Split Soarwoods (HUGE MONEY)
    Fragrant Drowshed

    Prayer beads are used in crafting as well, but lets face it they are waaay too easy to get to be worth much money.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  4. #4
    Community Member UnderwearModel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Collectables search for Eldricth Device

    Eldritch Device

    Vial of Pure Water - You need FIVE of these for adding +1 to your armor in a Eldritch Device. Easy to find. Sell in a group of FIVE for 20,000 GP. You mght find a taker. I know some power gamers with too much platinum and too lazy to farm them will buy. I do not purchase these. I traded five of these for 1000 GP, and two cakes of summon monster. I probably have 100 of these. On the AH they were going for 5,000 GP each but were they selling?

    Vial of Contagion - You do not need these, turn them in and then sell the item

    Deadly Feverblanch - You need TWELVE of these for adding CRITical damage to your weapon in a Eldritch Device. Easy to find. Sell in groups of 12 and ask 60,000 if greedy or sell as a group of 12 for 6,000 GP to sell it. I do not purchase these, I probably have 200 of them.

    Tome: Prophecies of Khyber - You need TWO of these for adding +1 to your Shield in a Eldritch Device. Tough to find. Crazy prices on AH, but 10,000 GP is reasonable and will sell. Start at 50,000 GP and see what happens. Yesterday, there were quite a few on the AH but I do not purchase them as I already have 40 of them or so.

    Necromantic Gem - turn it in and sell the item

    Signet of the Devourer- turn it in and sell the item

    if you want to learn what collectables are desired, search for Eldritch Device
    Last edited by UnderwearModel; 12-14-2009 at 09:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    Monster AI tends to be a limitation of the engine - smart AIs cause more server lag. Boy am I going to get quoted on that or what.
    I survived the scary events in 2009, 2010, and 2011. 2011 did not reward those that played by the rules.

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