Cthulhu Templars

Server: Thelanis
Age Required: 18+
Class/Race Requirement: None
VIP/F2P: Yes

What kind of guild is Cthulhu Templars?

First let me introduce you to the founding members. The founding members have all been playing DDO since the original beta and have been playing PnP D&D since at least the "red box" edition of the rules; additionally all of them are mature and experienced gamers. Every founding member has spent significant time in every Turbine game currently released.

Cthulhu Templars is a pretty tight nitch group of players that are interested in helping one another; whether that be in quests, equipment, money, character creation, level progression, etc. We are not "power gamers" and prefer to play the game as intended. Trash talking, zerging, etc. aren't welcomed; we like to play the game, explore and grow. We interact with each other with absolute courtesy and extend this same courtesy to other guilds.

We strive to be one of the strongest and most active guilds on the server. We want every one of our members to always be able to find that party they need so that they can have fun playing their characters, and enjoy the company of other the other quality members we bring in. We’re all here to play the game, and we feel that any game is more enjoyable with the company of others. Dungeons & Dragons Online is primarily a party based game. Sure you can solo certain missions and henchmen the ones that do not allow the solo difficulty, but where’s the fun in that?

Are there any rules?

We have small set of rules that you can view here. They are pretty straight forward.

What does the Cthulthu Templars expect from new members?

All we **expect** you to do is have fun. We ask that members are fairly active ingame. With the introduction of of MyDDO, we are now asking all members to flush out their profile and connect with one another as friends there. We would strongly encourage members to join our events whenever they can, such as raids or whatever else may be happening. Engaging in these activities help to build trust between the members, and can help everyone make new friends within the Cthulhu Templars. We also highly recommend that you connect with other Cthulhu Templars using Xfire.

How does one join Cthulhu Templars?

1. First and foremost, you need a current member to vouch for you. This means a current member must create a refer/vouch message to the recruitment officer to approve your account. This is accomplished either by talking to one of our members ingame or in threads like these.

You can also contact us via Xfire, located at the bottom of this thread. As for me, I’m on all the time, so even If I may be AFK, leave me a message, and I’ll get back to it ASAP.

2. You need to run at least one quest with an existing member; where that member is the leader of the party. Once this has been done, that person can decide to recommend you to our ranks. We do this so that both sides can see first hand what type of gamers Cthulhu Templars are and what is expected of them.

3. At this point you will be added to the guild under probationary status, which last for 60 days. During this time you will be treated as part of the family with a few restrictions; no access to guild bank, no voting rights, no expectation of any "loot" other than what is offered by members at their sole descretion.

4. Once the probationary period has expired, a final decision will be made by the council of elders to determine your membership. It is our hope that it will be to serve Cthulhu and not be served to. ;-)

Contact Information

If you have any questions, or are interested in joining feel free to contact us via PM, XFire, or Ingame

XFire: DualBrain
Ingame Name: Sonya
Windows Messenger: dualbrain [at] msn [you should know what goes here] com