You know, if the OP had said that Battle Clerics are not a wise choice for new players who are just learning the game, particularly in a group environment, I think most would agree with that.
I play a battle cleric and a FvS with some melee capability, but both are very strong healers and I have my keyboard hotkeys programmed to my liking and know how to melee, watch red bars, throw heals, and even back out and lose aggro and switch to full healing mode, when necessary.
I also know most quests pretty well and know which fights will need dedicated healing based on how the party has been handling the quest so far.
None of this probably exists on a new player. This is not a new player bash. I am all about new players and teaching them the game. They will get it over time and be just fine, but the first toon should probably not have these requirements. It would be better to start with a toon that has a larger margin of error, or when grouping play your battle cleric more conservatively toward dedicated healing until you get the hang of the dual role.
The point is, it's not the build. The build takes a fair beating regularly. But the build is a sound one and can be great fun to play and very valuable in a group, if played correctly and with teamwork.
Unfortunately, this is a very good solo build. Melee capability with strong healing leads, especially in levels 1-6. I see a lot of new players going this direction because they feel it makes them more self sufficient and they can heal their own mistakes. But solo play and group play with a battle cleric is so different. And your group play varies so much with the group mix. Have another cleric? Healing bard? FvS? These will all affect your melee/heal ratio.
So, please, let's focus on giving good advice to new players (and vets as well) who play battle clerics rather than just universally slamming the build as a failure.