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  1. #1
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default DDO 101 - A Course in PD Gameplay

    If you are interested in learning the mechanics and strategies of the game in a setting where group dynamics and team interaction put it all on the line I invite you to run with one of our Friday Night DDO 101 Groups.

    Starting this Friday night one of our members is taking new members in our guild and those who may wish to experience DDO within a
    perma-death setting through the various starting grounds of the game. Each week at a time TBD a new cohort will go forth following a program that will introduce you to the important aspects of the game - if you want to play it in a tactically and strategically minded way.

    The course is a four week program which will let you experience game on an the various levels to experience how the mechanics and your characters dynamically interact - all while having the challenge of staying alive. You'll meet new friends and learn how to play off of each others strengths and hopefully develop a team spirit.

    Week One
    Korthos Village and Island Quests and Explorer wil be run through Misery's Peak. The group leaders are going to sit back and let the group figure things out and maybe make some mistakes which are hopefully not lethal!

    Week Two - Your now in the Harbor. Want to learn how shamans act differently on different difficulty settings - you'll find out. Need to learn how to use your boosts or how to sound pull - you'll get to try it out. Want to figure out some good kill zones - your group will discover them with an experienced mentor at your side who will not direct you, but guide you through these quests allowing you to figure the game out.

    Week Three - Off to the Market where the quests are tougher and the loot is beter. The quests here range from Lvl to 2 to 5 and you'll get a chance to see how your character and team has improved. How do you avoid going splat from bad falls - you'll find out. What does poison do to you and how to protect yourself from it? How are Trog Caster Different than Kobold Casters? All of these things will be discovered - through experience.

    Week Four - You will explore some of the House Tavern Quests with your team. By this time you'll be close to Level Five or maybe Six. Hopefully, you'll be immersed in the tense style of Permadeath Play - and hopefully you will be craving more.

    We will run this series with any new members who wish to join. At this point we are planning four cohorts to run at different times. So, if you can't make it one week - you can hop on with another group if there is space available.

    The first group lands on Korthos on Friday Night 7PM EST.

    If this interests you, do the following.

    Reply to this thread
    Register on our website (link at sig line)
    Responed to the Korthos For New Players Thread with your adventurer's name.
    Roll up your adventurer
    Be on time - ready to roll

    At this moment we have a few spots still available.

    To make this experience easy for all to access none of the Premium quests will be run.

    If you can't make this Friday - follow this thread or the thread on our website.

    Our guild has 100 members who represent about 200 adventurers. Typically in a 24 hour frame we have about 50 adventurers active each day. We are active from the early AM through the early AM the next day - with peak times being 7PM to 3AM EST. Normally we hit 12 to 20 simulataneious adventurers online during this time.

    Since we do not allow Pick up Groups - we are very tight. Since we are Permadeath we don't ZERG. Since we have strict rules restricting the use of the AH, BROKERS, TWINKING, and BUYING CONSUMABLE MAGIC - we play as a community.

    Typically we will have enough adventurers to accomodate numerous groups. We also have daily suggested guild events for Lower, Middle and Higher level play.

    If this sounds like something that fits your desires...give us a try.

    Even after playing PD for over 2 years, I still get scared - like tonight when a group of Lvl 4 to 6 adventurers were doing a level 8 quest on hard. We all got out alive, but it took "EVERYTHING" we had to do so. And yes...I had a few OH MY moments. You don't get that when you die/rez/recall. You do when you have "one shot".

    KG Wiking
    Last edited by KGWiking; 10-13-2009 at 03:08 AM.
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  2. #2
    Community Member daeosx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Friday night sounds good for me.

    My Character:
    Going with Fighter/Cleric Elf build.
    Last edited by daeosx; 10-13-2009 at 04:04 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member daeosx's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Side note... fighting Hill Giants on PD will be fun! My Human Fighter/Cleric can outrun and kite them. (non-pd)

  4. #4
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Default re:

    Just put a reply on the post on the guild website with your adventurers name.

    Look for Stokesia (one of her alts) but she uses a "tagline" name on most of her adventurers.

    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  5. #5
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    This sounds like a lot of fun. I will check out the website next and follow your instructions above.

  6. #6
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default yellow dye

    We look forward to seeing you.

    Feel free to join with another prior to this run. We have a lot of newer members with low level adventurers, and sometimes our vets die and have to start again. Gladly, more live than die!

    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

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