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  1. #101
    Community Member vainangel's Avatar
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    My first character had 10 Con....
    Silly me thought I could hide and evade things like in PnP...

    I had to learn to make a good build. Took notes form builds around here as to what was proven to work and what was just gimptastic min-max... new players need to learn these things as well.
    ??* Worth[R]Elf ??* Kittu[R/P]Dwarf ??* Alexo[S]Drow ??* Amida[R]Elf ??* Krsna[R/F]Warforged ??* vainangel[F/W]Human ??* Cundi[FvS]Drow ??* ♪♫.we are sarcastic.♫♪

  2. #102
    Community Member SquelchHU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    *snipped for brevity*
    Hah. +1 rep. But 'Con based Exploiter'? The build only starts with 14 and has no base stat over 15. Yes obviously they end up much higher with items and level ups and so forth but how is that a Con based build.


    Quote Originally Posted by TheJusticar View Post
    Another idea I could see is apply PnP rules for MCing. IIRC, MCing (or even splashing) in PnP was a very tough decision. Most DMs would only allow you MC at certain levels and only a number of levels. There were fairly steep penalties for doing so (XP penalties, perhaps lose feats/abilities, non-stacking BaB, etc.). In fact, in the much-hated 4e you are not allowed to splash 'till lvl11. Then again, I'm sure people would say is a "dumb idea" to implement the rules this game is entirely based on.

    Um, no it wasn't. The rules only interfered with unintelligent multiclassing. The smart kind where you're an x 1/y 19 or x 1/y 1/z 18 or dipped a bunch of classes for 1 or 2 levels because they have no worthwhile features beyond that is completely unhindered because the xp penalty rule only applies when class levels between classes are at least 2 apart.

    Saying the DM can mess with it is an invalid argument because the DM can mess with anything, but it does not mean (s)he should. And in any case the only ones that bothered were the ones that needed the help so much that they would become complete non contributors if they didn't so if their efforts to be meaningful participants in the game were thwarted they'd just go play another game.
    Last edited by SquelchHU; 10-14-2009 at 08:28 AM.

  3. #103
    Community Member
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    You, my good sir are in the minority. Having created two lowbies to help out folks in Korthos when Mod9 hit, I can tell you of about maybe 100 people I've ran with only 2 had previous D&D experience and both of them came from the version of D&D that the lower your armor class, the better. I admit this is anecdotal in nature but such lopsided (98-2 or so) is almost self evident that most folks have no D&D background.

    >>Quite possible, I have no way of knowing. Also consider, those people that have played D&D(recent versions) before likely didn't need help. I never did. However, it would be fair to assume that at least 50% of players (an assumption based on the fact that a large number of players in Online games at some point grew up with WoW or such) have not played D&D or any version thereof (though Bladur's Gate etc was quite popular). Point being is thus, likely the people you run into are the people that need help because, well they are looking for it. It is akin to be a Computer Support and stating all your users are idiots given all the calls you get. Of course, those that reboot or fix it themselves aren't calling.

    I frequently haunt the advice chats on all the servers giving advice and whatnot so I am quite aware of a some of the more common problems (they really need a guide for Korthos, people ask the same questions every ten minutes)

    I think I've said this about 5-6 times already in this very thread. Don't get hung on the level. It was a suggestion, not an absolute. Read the whole thread next time.

    >>I did read the whole thread actually. I just figured if you did not have the time to update the original suggestion, I wasn't going to take the time to parse every nuance that has occurred since the beginning. Fair yes? Regardless, a specific level is somewhat irrelevant. Any level past 6th is harder for F2P then a paid account. Players that already know how to multiclass would be punished. You are still reducing fun. Stop worrying about specifics and hear what people are trying to convey to you.

    read above.

    >>Read above. Ignore the 16 and try it again.

    Read above.

    >>Read above. Ignore the 16 and try again.

    Of all your rebuttal this is the only one that makes sense. It's true that having people experiment with absurd builds will keep them around longer and more likely to spend $$$ on the store. So I have no argument here.

    >>I am sorry that this is the only thing that made sense. I gave reasoning for each point.

    I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a ME nor am I claiming to be one. In fact, my days of PnP have made me very reluctant to MC in this game. After I got my feet wet (about 1 year after I started playing DDO) and experimented with battle bards for a while only my 3 casters are pure blooded all the rest have splashes.

    >>Never claimed you were a ME. You suggested that players at a certain level (since you don't seem to like level 16 being quoted) were better suited to multiclassing then people that have not achieved the level. That is a false assumption.

    In summary, you just as most people in this thread completely misread it and took this suggestion way to personal and prima facia. It was an idea, a concept. It could be modified, molded and malleable. It's not a freaking dogmatic treatise, it's a darn suggestion.

    >>Never took anything personal. But I do have one thought for you. When a majority of the people 'misread' what you wrote, you might want to consider, is the majority wrong or are you? True, there have been historical instances where the majority have been wrong, but throughout history the number of times the minority has been right over the majority isn't that common. Not that I am claiming to know every argument ever made.

  4. #104
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Looks like we all agree to disagree.

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