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  1. #101
    Community Member Shamurai's Avatar
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    I actually schedule 30 mins at the end of a long session or end of the day to check on my pots/ scrolls/ wands stacks to make myself more self sufficient for several reasons:

    1) My healbot cleric, Faithrune wants to roll up in the corner and cry her pretty green eyes out when someone dies under her watch. (so she uses SP for the party and pots, scrolls on herself)
    2) My Paladin Heidiann, feeds Faithrune so knows the costs of clericing and always has stacks of pots so the Cleric on her quests can help in this order a) themself b) the party c) Heidiann
    3) The Squishy Sorcerer Shamurai is in the back but can still be two shotted by so many things so yeah... Can't always risk that the Cleric will notice and be was told by Heidiann that "Caring for the Cleric = Good Thing"

    I am sure as I get better I wont waste as much as I currently am, by over potting or over stocking, but until then I want to be an asset to the party not just another soul stone to lug to a shrine, or spell point dumping ground.

    ~ added benefit.. if you give one of your pots to a party member.. perhaps they can pay it forward someday. Kindness is a seed that's worth planting, and has endless potential for growth.
    Starabelle McClean / Shamurai Daemon Slayer/Faithrune Justicar /
    Samuiree Kensai / Daviniti Soul Finder/ GRRONND HammerPain

  2. #102
    Community Member Maxmillian's Avatar
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    Redwillow Ruins the other night, level 6 Pally, "Sh@%, I can solo this thing." Really? Go soon as he was dead, no apologies, no I will stay close so you can heal me, I wont zerg anymore, I will listen cuz I'm new...nothing. My party broke because he wanted to do things his way, and not listen to the people who know how. x has left party, y has left party, z has left party....thanks Pally 6.

  3. #103
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxmillian View Post
    Redwillow Ruins the other night, level 6 Pally, "Sh@%, I can solo this thing." Really? Go soon as he was dead, no apologies, no I will stay close so you can heal me, I wont zerg anymore, I will listen cuz I'm new...nothing. My party broke because he wanted to do things his way, and not listen to the people who know how. x has left party, y has left party, z has left party....thanks Pally 6.
    Well, to be fair this is a mentality that is prevalent with veterans perma-n00bs as well. What these folks fail to understand that since Mod9 soloing is MUCH, MUCH, MUCH easier than grouping (on norm or hard). So, this is one of the reasons I highly dislike Turbine's idea of difficulty nerfing (i.e. Dungeon Scaling). The other night I was running slayers in the vale with my sorc. I open up the lfm to make the process faster. First person that joined was a fighter who I had the misfortune to have had grouped with before. First thing he says is: "why do you need help, I can solo vale runs" not a minute later (ding) Your party member, MrSuperSolo, has died. Of course, he blamed me for not buffing him -- even though I was deep into the Shavarath territory when he joined. :/ When he rezzed out, I felt the temptation to boot him ... but ... I just can't be that douchy


  4. #104
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maxmillian View Post
    Redwillow Ruins the other night, level 6 Pally, "Sh@%, I can solo this thing." Really? Go soon as he was dead, no apologies, no I will stay close so you can heal me, I wont zerg anymore, I will listen cuz I'm new...nothing. My party broke because he wanted to do things his way, and not listen to the people who know how. x has left party, y has left party, z has left party....thanks Pally 6.
    Yup, chalk another up to ignorance about Dungeon Scaling and how players can be lulled into false senses of security about their abilities. As was pointed out in numerous threads during beta, Scaling is a LOT more than just lowering the HP of the mobs. Entire encounters become absolute cake due to the game machanics and damage quanta being dealt out. Fast forward to a full group and the same character who could waltz thru a quest solo will in many cases be owned in the first encounter if they are not with the group.

    Mob on Full HP = 80 HP, Scaled mob while solo = 40 HP (rough numbers)

    Uber fighter/paladin doing 20 points a hit (just for the example). Engage single mob on edge of group of six and swing first, half kill mob, mob turns to face you, you swing again and kill the mob before it even attacks. Rinse and repeat and you maybe get swung at a handful of times.

    Same guy with full group on normal. Engage the edge mob. Hit it and 1/4 wound it. It turns and you swing again. It is now 1/2 wounded (not dead) and still swinging at you while its allies close to engage. While you are taking your 3 and 4 hits on the mob, it has now swung at you a couple of time and its allies have joined the fray. Instead of maybe being the subject of a half dozen incoming attacks, you are now subject to scores of incoming attacks and you are gonna go down, hard.

    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  5. #105
    Founder Mobeius's Avatar
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    Well due to mudflation, fi you dont know how to do it, you pretty much have to have a character that can hit the high 60's low 70's AC just to be a tank. People that do not have the knowledge how to do this get hosed, heck I still have yet to have a melee break 70 AC. I think its pathetic the game has inflated that far you have to invest so much in to AC to be an effective tank. They should just cap AC and to Hit bonuses which would allow people to configure in ddifferent ways. The other option is if your AC is below 55, you might as well wear a wet paper sack for armor, which I also think is pathetic that people are almost forced to do that. So for the F2P people that are just trying the game this is not an issue, but when they get in to the higher levels and realize this they will complain and lose interest.

    But I sympathize with the OP's frustrations, ran wih a few idjits myself. WW part 3, avoid the ogre, hes more trouble than hes worth, gaurentee you there will be a death or two and we lose or flawless bonus. Others... Nahhhh we got a solid group and you! I laugh and say I will go in and pick up the pieces after you get ripped. Pally, Fighter and Wizzie get toasted... did some damage to him.. I finish him off and get their stones and say "told ya"... a few other dum arses scenarios too... Some people refuse to listen and just dont care and will say, lighten up, its only a game. Which is true but I like to play the game to do my best.

  6. #106
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobeius View Post
    But I sympathize with the OP's frustrations, ran wih a few idjits myself. WW part 3, avoid the ogre
    That is the classic noob bait And yes, every noob wants to go for it. Very frustrating. You tell them, "don't mess with ogre on elite" one of them say, "pfff I just soloed it on hard" and someone else says, "we're good, we're unstoppable". And I usually tell them, "famous last words". Three or four them go in, they all die, me (and if there's another vet in the group) sneak, pick stones, run to shrine, "told ya so." Then you have even the denser types that after dying and taken to a shrine go off running to "finish him off" only to get killed again ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh


  7. #107
    Community Member TheJusticar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenako View Post
    Yup, chalk another up to ignorance about Dungeon Scaling
    I've been very unhappy with the idea of Dungeon Scaling since they announced it back in early summer. The intntion is a good one: help the VERY, VERY casuals and the VERY, VERY new by letting them solo content. However, the implementation was, as usually the case in MMOs, knee-jerk and blanket-like. They could have:

    1) pumped the XP of solo difficulty to equal that of normal or
    2) Have Dungeon Scaling with a bottom cap. For instance, have the difficulty of a dungeon (and monsters) to have a minimum difficulty of that of a 4-man party (whether solo or with 4 people). That way, the change from soloing to full party isn't as dramatic.

    And that difference is QUITE dramatic. Couple nights ago I started soloing SC on hard with my lvl 7 evasion melee. It was a freaking breeze. Killed all optional bosses, mobs and I was standing largely unscathed. I was a Lord Helos. Opened up the LFM (with "VIP-only") accepted the first five people who joined. Waited for all five to get where I was. Two were obviously F2P n00bs, went the wrong way and died (even though the way was completely clear; I had 137 kills at this point in time). Ok, so four of us: me, a bard, a ftr and a cleric decided to go for it. I tell the n00bs loud and clear to stay dead and don't rez out. I pull my bow to start pulling one by one. We get a troll, BAM he almost one-shot me and he two-shotted the bard. We pull the wolves we came very close to wiping. Then the other minotaurs and so on. The whole quest had taken me maybe 20 minutes to solo to that point. It was almost 20 minutes just trying to clean this part. So we kill Lord Helos, get the shard, turn the pillar and wow those mephits were all business now. Fortunately I had evasion and pretty solid reflex saves, else we would've wiped. So now we're all torn to pieces. We shrine up, buff, and enter the last room. The plan was, I open earth ellie room, bard and fighter kill ellie, I kite giant, then we all collapse in giant. That earth ellie had a boatload of HPs/DR and took the ftr and the bard couple of minutes to finish him off. The cleric kept me alive while boss firewalled and scorching rayed me. Finally we all beat on X'anthilar and get him done. Wow ... that's when I realized how deceiving it can be to solo with Dungeon Scaling. The scaling goes up exponentially, almost. If they want to keep Dungeon Scaling, they surely need to tweak it.

  8. #108
    Community Member malthusian01's Avatar
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    Where is the Skeletal mage?
    Helbrimm- WF Wiz/Rogue (retired) Hellbrim-WF Sorcerer

    Member of <o>

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobeius View Post
    But I sympathize with the OP's frustrations, ran wih a few idjits myself. WW part 3, avoid the ogre, hes more trouble than hes worth, gaurentee you there will be a death or two and we lose or flawless bonus.
    Some of these complaints I sympathise with but this I don't.

    New people have to try things out. I have been in groups that have managed to kill him on Elite without losing anyone. But even if I hadn't it is still good to try just to discover your limitations.

    If you don't like this aspect of playing with new people just go back to doing whatever it was that kept you entertained for the three years before all us noobs joined.

    You don't HAVE to be in WW pugs on your three year old account.

  10. #110
    Community Member PhoenixFire31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobeius View Post
    But I sympathize with the OP's frustrations, ran wih a few idjits myself. WW part 3, avoid the ogre, hes more trouble than hes worth, gaurentee you there will be a death or two and we lose or flawless bonus. Others... Nahhhh we got a solid group and you! I laugh and say I will go in and pick up the pieces after you get ripped. Pally, Fighter and Wizzie get toasted... did some damage to him.. I finish him off and get their stones and say "told ya"... a few other dum arses scenarios too... Some people refuse to listen and just dont care and will say, lighten up, its only a game. Which is true but I like to play the game to do my best.
    Sounds like a WW pug I did 2 weeks ago.
    • PT2 Elite: "No one talk to Arlos. Don't talk to him, don't look at him, leave him alone!" 5 mins later...."WHO THE **** TALKED TO ARLOS?! WHY IS HE NEARLY DEAD?! [me frantically healing his ******** ass]
    • PT3 Elite: "No one go near the ogre...leave him alone. They will wipe the party." 5mins and 3 party members dead later..."I told you to leave him alone...."
    • PT4 Elite: see PT3.... : the comedic gift that keeps on giving!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deaths Ward
    Then by the magic of the mighty ones, someone from Turbine swung the +5 Banishing Banhammer of Greater Cheating A**hole Bane and scored a Nat. 20.

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