I'm all for helping out newbs, I don't usually put "no F2p" or "VIP only" in my lfms. I started two lowbies to run Korthos and Harbor specifically with newbies in mind ... heck I gave out a lot lowbie gear to good players, etc. Now, I'm @ lvl 7-8 and I've lost any and all patience. I don't like it. I don't like getting exasperated. I don't like AT ALL dropping groups mid-quest. I've never told anyone to /reroll before (that I actually meant it, anyway). This past week I've felt almost forced to do those things I mentioned above -- several times. From the rogue that can't find traps and when he finds them he blows them up, to the 60 HP, 21 AC 4 Wiz/4Pally that died 7 (7!1!one) times before the first two parts of the quest were done to the lvl7 cleric that didn't know how to memorize spells and didn't know he could select players with the F# keys. It seems you teach to deaf ears. ugh. :/
/vent off