I have rolled a couple of toons on Cannith now (I did so when the server first went live to hold character names), but a friend of mine just signed up for free to play and landed on that server. Now, I have no problems with server hopping of my own accord. But I have VERY limited resources for this server and I miss my overflow of starter gear.
I am looking for someone that is WILLING to assist me get some basic starter gear (mithral armors and shields, permanent underwater action items, nice starter weapons, etc.). In return for the assistance I am willing to provide similar assistance to those that may need it on Ghallanda, Khyber and Argonessen.
I know that there is someone out there that has recently started an alt on one of these other servers that could use gear or funds to help get twinked properly or that their funds are getting low due to AH buys.
I am willing to trade item for item. plat for plat or gear for plat (yes, my collections are that extensive on these other servers). And yes, gear is not that hard to come by, but when you are equipping 2 toons (a warforged fighter/rogue and a human bard) plus trying to help out a friend that is new to game (elven barbarian), limited gear is a pain - especially when you are used to having everything you need to equip a full roster of toons from day 1.
Please PM or post here me with coordination efforts and any further questions you may have.
PS - other than the mithral armor and shields I am NOT looking for the 'uberest' gear available just something to help get me and my friend started. So keep your muckbanes/muckdooms, your malestrom axes, etc.![]()