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  1. #1
    Hero Djeserit's Avatar
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    Default Finishing Move Thread

    I seem to have lost the thread listing finishing moves. Did it go someplace?

  2. #2
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Don't see the thread, but here's the info from the compendium (towards the bottom):

    Finishing Moves:
    A Finishing Move is a special attack/ability a monk can use only when certain conditions are met. Apparently that mostly means to have executed some number of other abilities first, to set up the combo. (The preparation actions do not need to hit an enemy). Once the Finishing Move is ready, your Finishing Move feat icon will change from a nonfunctional button into something specific to the new attack. In addition, your body starts glowing in a color resembling the involved energy.

    Note that it costs Ki to do the actions to prepare the Finishing Move, and then it also costs Ki to use it- meaning you often won't have enough to trigger it before the time limit expires. For example, Trembling Earth requires a total 25 Ki to perform.

    The saving throws for finishing moves have a DC of 10 + (monk level) + wisdom modifier, unless otherwise mentioned. The saves are deliberately higher than normal moves to compensate for the difficulty in using them. They are mostly Fortitude saves.

    Taking actions such as drinking potions, opening doors, turning levers, or nearly anything that isn't moving or punching will interrupt the combo. This both breaks a combo in-progress, and also dispels any Finishing Move "charge" you might already be carrying. Otherwise, the charge lasts indefinitely (or at least several minutes)

    earth = Strike of the Enduring
    air = Storm Strike
    fire = Fires of Purity
    water = Flowing Water Strike
    pos = Fist of Light
    neg = Fist of Darkness

    The Trembling Earth
    10 Ki. Prep: earth earth earth
    The attack has +2 crit mult, and the victim is unable to cast spells for 30 seconds. Fort negates.

    The Gathering Storm
    10 Ki. Prep: air air air
    The target's ability to "land attacks" is reduced for 30 seconds. -2 on attack rolls. Undead appear immune. Fort negates.

    The Raging Sea
    10 Ki. Prep: water water water
    The enemy's attacks are slowed for 30 seconds. Fort negates.

    Breath of the Fire Dragon
    10 Ki. Prep: fire fire fire
    A cone of fire does 1d4 damage per level. Reflex half.

    Healing Ki I
    10 Ki. Prep: pos pos pos
    You heal all nearby allies for 1d4 plus 1d4 per two monk levels. (Does not harm undead foes)

    Touch of Despair
    10 Ki. Prep: neg neg neg
    The target takes 50% less healing from positive energy for 60 seconds. Fort negates.

    Grasp the Earth Dragon
    10 Ki. Prep: earth pos earth
    Nearby allies become immune to daze, stun, and sleep for 30 seconds.

    Dance of Clouds
    10 Ki. Prep: air pos air
    Nearby allies gain 20% concealment for 60 seconds.

    Aligning the Heavens
    10 Ki. Prep: water pos water
    Nearby allies gain a 10% reduction in spellpoint costs for 60 seconds.

    Walk of the Sun
    10 Ki. Prep: fire pos fire
    Nearby allies gain a +2 morale bonus to attack, saves, and skills for 60 seconds.

    Pain Touch
    10 Ki. Prep: earth neg earth
    Target is nauseated for 60 seconds. Periodic fortitude saves to negate.

    Falling Star Strike
    10 Ki. Prep: air neg air
    Target is blinded for 60 seconds. Periodic fortitude saves to negate.

    Freezing The Lifeblood
    10 Ki. Prep: water neg water
    Target is paralyzed and helpless for 60 seconds. Humanoid targets only, Periodic fortitude save to negate.

    Karmic Strike
    10 Ki. Prep: fire neg fire
    The attack is automatically a critical threat (like a +20 crit range boost), but the monk will be auto-crit the next time he's hit within 3 seconds. Unknown if Fortification applies against that penalty. Apparently the benefit is broken.

  3. #3
    Community Member Inspire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    Aligning the Heavens
    10 Ki. Prep: water pos water
    Nearby allies gain a 10% reduction in spellpoint costs for 60 seconds.
    Quick correction, its actually a 25% reduction now.

  4. #4
    Hero Djeserit's Avatar
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    Thanks, point for you.

    I saw that and was wondering if it was complete.

    Actually what I am interested in is moves like earth, earth, earth. It seems like a pretty neat trick, to pop it on an enemy caster at the start of the battle.

    I don't have a monk, but my Rogue has one level. I want to try mixing it up with stunning blow and sap.

    I'm a little bummed that there aren't more that don't require pos or neg.

  5. #5
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspire View Post
    Quick correction, its actually a 25% reduction now.
    WHAT!!! REALLY!!! OMG***BBQ!!!!!1 I saw someone posting that it was 25% but I thought it was a mistake. that is totally awesome, I am going to have to throw that buff much more often.

  6. #6
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NXPlasmid View Post
    WHAT!!! REALLY!!! OMG***BBQ!!!!!1 I saw someone posting that it was 25% but I thought it was a mistake. that is totally awesome, I am going to have to throw that buff much more often.
    Besides the Healing finisher, Aligning the Heavens (Water/Pos/Water/Finish) is the other finisher I use most!
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  7. #7
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    Shining Star (req Level 20)
    10 Ki. Prep: earth air fire
    Casts "Resistable Dance" with a Will save DC of 10 + Monk Level + Cha mod.

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