Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell
It would take 2 Luthens at least.
Sorry no credit!
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
It makes better players of all of us.
Darpa: Xoriat
Funniest thread ever, much appreciated.
Just aligned by Teth to read this gem, while i just bored by the so much whiner/doomsayer (already survived one rollback before in EU servers, if i remember well, that was apr. 2-3 days back) due to the Thelanis shutdown...
I have one question.
My patience is less every day (with teaching newbies around me), and pls tell me where can i find people here who has also great experience about this game, mature, not jealous for anything AND not arrogant/elitist like a poor abused devil in Shavarath who has no life?...
Yes, i'm too picky as this game is my hobby after work, not just a simple game.:P
Satureon, Ranged (Pal x1, Mnk x3, Ran x3, Rog x1 8/8 lives),
Betelgeuseon, Multitank (Ftr 2x, Barb 1x 3/10 lives),
Androgun, Arcane (Wiz 3x, Sorc 3x, Fvs 1x 7/10 lives)
[Saturus, 8 years old toon (Pal 1x, Ftr 1x, Mnk 3x, Rog 1x), Exterminus (Wiz 1x, Fvs 2x, Sorc 1x): on Thelanis.]
Improvisative play preferred. No VC, because i just don't care by different reasons + honestly sometimes just need to focus anywhere else too, as i'm not the 'gnome at the basement' type 24/7-er.
2006-2009 EU Aureon-Keeper; 2009-2013 US Thelanis; 2013- US Ghallanda;
Founder/Namegiver: formerly Eternal Infinity (Thelanis), presently Alive (Ghallanda)
Older melee 'fame': Zawabi raid solo (mod6)+(a 'bit later' in US), old Elite DA solo, VoD solo (2011), Titan raid 4 mins shortman (2011?), ToD melee duo (2012)
Some growing Solo Achievements (EE/Raids/Max lv. Challenges; no death/no reenter/no hire/little resources)
My DDO True AC Calculator
TD I like the idea, but the bigger issue here is….you quoted yourself bro!
That’s like breaking the forums 1st commandment. You must be punished!
I realize it was moment of weakness, so I’ll take it easy on you.
I think quoting the song lyrics to “loving you” (is easy ‘cause your beautiful) in a post, and dedicating it to Tolero should rebalance your humility!
“G” you sneaky bastard!
I’m gone for one day and you turn on me and suck-up to the new guy!
FYI…Clays power-hungry-over-compensating-butt has fallen once again!
“G” I’m disappointed in you….and I think only Lg. Devil scales can snap me out of this depression.
Well let’s take a look at a single Thelanis guild, “Legion” for example, I hear they’re pretty good….
“Great experience about this game”……..Pass!
“Mature”…Lol, you said you know Teth right. Not even one member actually…..Fail!
“Not jealous for anything”…… Down right greedy actually ……Fail!
“Not arrogant/elitist”……I’m not even going to touch this one….Epic Fail!
Sat, I think your screwed….maybe try Argo?
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
Sorry what was the question?
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Is there anyway i could get some hand holding thru the new content ive been gone like 7 months i dont mean the special kind of hand holding either ... oh btw did i miss anything or has the update happened yet ... on another note hi clay hows the wife ?
Dear Clays guild leader,
Where did Womp go?
Xoriat Born
Pixa 20 rogue, Healza 20 Cleric, Biteza 20 tempest ranger, Casstza 12 sorc, Singza 20 bard, Kickza 13 barb, Nodda 8 fvs
Its time to come clean.
I have Womp in my basement and after a certain period without DDO, food or kittens he is now prepared to let me join Legion.
Of course I will need you to make this happen before I release him.
I called his wife, and she assured me that she was willing to pay me to keep him. Unfortunately my basement has no internet access or even any amenities of any kind, and the smell is beginning to become irritating.
Please help him, I'm sure those chains are chafing him.
*Holysheep WereGonnaDie * Flaymin Mongrel * Strikea Light * Yahndi * Unholywolf * Mongrell*
Gehenna raid lore:
I can't wait for the response to this but ...
is it worth it to keep him in your basement for that particular prize??
Founder of Mickory ~ Former Officer of ATDThayill * Glorious * Glorie * Gloried * Glorisai * Gloreia * Hallows * SargavandIf you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me
Last edited by Murgatroyd; 12-10-2009 at 09:08 AM.
Officer of The Band of the Shifting Sands
Bluntzen Herk Kalashtar Jamira Kaminagi Linwei Minimurg Murgatroyd Sesshomaru
He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future. --George Orwell