Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
Last edited by Rayzorlew; 10-20-2009 at 03:49 AM.
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
If a monster is stupid enough to attack in one direction should I stand in front of him the whole time?
No...a perfect example of this is the Shroud part 4. It is not an exploit if he bugs out on his own,and you beat on his back. Actually your one dumb, whinney, little cry baby, stupid bastard sword if say for instance you acted like everyone was cheating when you were on your cleric and recalled because evryone else in the party was smarter than you. Especially when you were the only would that make you a ****** bag.![]()
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
As someone who witnessed such events, your opinion is fraught with experience, knowledge and wisdom.
To expound on, this, oh knowledgeable and astute guild leader, let me put forth a scenario. To show how sincere and important this following text is, I quote Larry the Cable Guy, if I'm lyin' I'm cryin' and I ain't shed a tear.
So, last night I'm doing a raid. We'll call it the Shroud. Now, before I say what happened I want to say I that I don't try to bug the bad guys or whatever. I'm in Legion. I can kill him without cheese. I mock in party chat people who say "oh approach him from the south and lets pray he bugs out". I sometiems offend people that say this. That said, due to programming changes or whatever, I've only seen him not "bug out" in part 4 like once since the patch, and I run 5 characters through shroud every 3 days. So...given that...what do I do if someone is solo-clericing the shroud, then when the fiend bugs as he normally does, WITHOUT anyone trying to cause that to happen, then the cleric is using a throwing deception weapon at the fiend, trying to aggro him into running around the arena, allowing 5 people to die in that time, then after the pit fiend is defeated condemns the party because they didn't fight on the fiend's face before calling them exploiters and leaves the raid, more or less insuring that the raid is then in-completable, or only so with increased resource usage. What do I do then and there and how do I explain someone else's behavior to the rest of my party? So, various other questions come from such an experience, o wise one:
1. Should the person who did this be grouped with again?
2. Should the person's guild affiliates be subject to further scrutiny before allowing them into raids?
3. If the person doing this was supposedly a benefactor from much, much worse behavior (than taking unwarranted damage from an unintentional monster bugging out) in previous runs/raids....should this person then destroy ALL loot gained from such runs/raids and or delete his character to truly make a stand?
4. When is behavior like that acceptable? Is there a better way to express your feelings, as in, should I make the party aware, before joining the group that I will huff, puff and recall if the fiend bugs out?
I thank you in advance, guild leader.
Nightbreak - Thelanis.
Wow Sev - that just sucks...
Dear esteemed Guild Leader,
I have noticed with that around Stormreach there are many many more female characters than male characters - but I hear the game is populated much more by men then women. What's going on? Is this just a representation that women are trying superior and that in this world, where a guy can actually play a woman he chooses to do so so that for that one shining moment he can try and achieve a little bit of the understanding of how amazing it is to be a woman?
Or is he just weird??
Founder of Mickory ~ Former Officer of ATDThayill * Glorious * Glorie * Gloried * Glorisai * Gloreia * Hallows * SargavandIf you can't say anything nice about someone, come sit by me
I myself would never play with him again. Yet I would never blame or even hold it against his guild for what he did. Just because he's ******** doesn't mean they all are.
As far as him cheating before, hell yeah he did....he's completed Abbot before the last patch, so you know he has. Should he delete his characters and gear? I don't know....I think he's just a confused freak that I don't want to ever party with.
Behavior like this is never acceptable. I've simply DC'd in a Shroud before and felt TERRIBLE about it, and there was nothing I could do. This guy purposelly jerked over 11 other people, I can't even imagine doing that. So I'd just right it up as never playing with him again and go on.
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
All men are simply perverted freaks....the more they deny it the worse they are.
So to be honest....we make them as hot as we can, and then like to watch them run around killing stuff. Although, if I ever saw my wife run up and pull out a simitar and cut a dogs head off....I'd be mortified!![]()
Meditate~Bandaides~Knasty~Klepto~Getbent~ZerkforgeWomp~LEGION OFFICER~Rayzor
Dear Guild Leader:
I'm so happy to hear that you are recuperating from your brush with the divine! I knew it'd take more than a little divine vengeance to take the wind outta your sails! However, I'll stay away from the theological lines of questioning from here on in...
This is something that I have heard wise men debate for decades - and I figure if there is anyone who can answer it - it is the Wise Guild Leader we've all come to rely on so much for insight into the workings of the world...
Tate Great?
Less Filling?
The answer to this may just sway the future of all mankind.
Dear Guild Leader,
I'm playing a rogue with low int and low dex, who specializes in casting spells from scrolls. People keep telling me to reroll when I can't find traps. So I try to tumble, but I just sort of lurch forward.
What should I do?
Thelanis: Axio/Pak/Flavord/Paxi/Axiomus/Efrit/Aximus/Axi/Paximus/Heysoos/DanielAsh/Axioma
-=[ Archangels ]=-
"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the rest of the world is from where I am. Just one bad day." - Alan Moore
D.W.A.T. - Dwarven Weapons And Tactics
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.
It's no big secret. We make female toons and when we get broke jump in a pug w/out voice chat, flirt with a couple of the low int/dex rogues and get free stuff to sell.
Actually, it is a logical decision. I am old, fat, ugly, drunk and broke. So don't need to play a dorf, too close to reality. Just can't wrap my mind around play a WF, tried it several times and will likely try again in the future. Have you seen male humans/elves run? The only thing worse is that stoopid fooking shuffling when you turn they added in mod 9. REALLY?! Are you ****ing kidding me??!! (sorry I digress) And when I play a male halfling I hump everything is sight - except harry. I tried but Legion was 12 manning him doggy style and I don't do caboose. So the only choices left are female elves/halflings.
Proud member of DWAT - Xorian forged, quenched in the blood of butterflies
Arnn, Duana, Gultyrr, Mahd Bardigan, Ahliriana, Arnnette, Conch Fritter, Jwuana, Thayla, Margaritte da Ville
God is good, beer is great and women are crazy.