Looks like an old character of mine had this little gift from the Devs...from some time ago. Sure, its not just a Candy Cane, but is really a Heal Moderate Wounds 2d8+3 (even for WFs) wand in disguise.
It has a full 30/30 charges and 100% intact (no damage). Not bound to account or character either as far as I can tell from reading the description.
Now realistically, I would not expect somebody to actually USE this as intended... but is sure is cool running around town in my red pirate cap, red robe and candy cane in hand.I've had several people comment on this and ask me what quest I ran to get it.
So... aside from its intended purpose (and base value of 500gp).... what would a collectible such as this go for? Not sure if I would want to part with it... but I am curious. I also have a slice of Cake in my pack too, but I think that is bound.
Thanks for reading my question.