Hi all
I need some advice.. I am gettting close to a 'crossroads' with my build.
My build is a drow ranger - level 5 character right now. I splashed rogue at level 1, and monk at level 4 (I got myself some Black Widow Bracers that I have the ingredients to get another 1 AC from if I figure out how to use the Stone of Change, and an item that increased Wisdom + 1, as well as a +1 tome for Wisdom, so even at a low level I am getting better AC out of the monk level than if I didnt have it).
My stats are sitting at (bought tomes from DDO store)
STR 17 (15 base, +1 tome, +1 level)
DEX 19 (15 base, +1 tome, +2 enhancements, + 1 item)
CON 14 (12 base, +1 tome, +1 item)
INT 14 (13 base, + 1 tome)
WIS 16 (14 base, + 1 tome, + 1 item)
CHA 10 (10 base)
So my big question is - should I continue to put level up points into strength and go for a STR based build, or should I switch it up and load up DEX, pick up Finesse, and go for a DEX based build?
If I go DEX based, is CE still worth taking at some point?