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  1. #1
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    Default Requesting THF Pally DPS Build

    Hey all, topic says it all. I recently got back into the game when I saw it's free I know I'll end up buying all the adventure packs and so forth ><

    Anyway... I've been toying around with a paladin. However I keep deleting him and rerolling him because it just doesn't seem right.

    So far I've been using these stats:
    16 Str
    10 Dex
    14 Con
    10 Int
    14 Wis
    10 Cha

    I don't like the +0 Cha modifier on smite evil. I don't know what other abilities I get it affects yet.

    I went human so I could get the extra feat, so I took the following:
    Imp THF
    WP: Slashing

    And for skills, I went (or put a few into):

    A side note, I never got past level 7 yet in this game so I don't know what it is exactly I'll be looking for. The thing is, I'm playing more casually so I don't want to play for 2 months, get to level 15, and find out my character isn't effective anymore for solo or group play.

    Can anyone help me out with stats/feats/skills I'll be wanting? What stats will I be able to lower to raise whatever else I should be? And what I'll be looking for as I level?

    Thank you all

  2. #2
    Community Member Minor_Threat's Avatar
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    10 CHA will gimp you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pheona777 View Post
    I am proud of this forum post because it shows my ego and my pride. Yahoo Answers! was only to poll others on what they thought of the situation. I know I am in the right and I am always right.

  3. #3
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    Yeah, thats why I gave up rerolling and finally posted here for advice I knew that as soon as I re-read the Smite Evil tool tip.

  4. #4
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    Try these stats instead:

    Str 15 (put all level-ups here)
    Dex 15 (+2 dex tome required for ITWF and GTWF)
    Con 14
    Int 8
    Wis 8 (just use items to boost this to the bare minumum you need to cast spells)
    Cha 14

    Str 16 (put all level-ups here)
    Dex 15 (+2 dex tome required for ITWF and GTWF)
    Con 15
    Int 8
    Wis 8 (just use items to boost this to the bare minumum you need to cast spells)
    Cha 14

    Use the Knight of the Chalice prestige enhancement line and the Two Weapon Fighting feat line for incredible DPS. No, you will likely not have the AC of a S&B paladin (the tradeoff for superior offense), and because you will be doing DPS you will be an aggro magnet. This means that if you are soling content it could cost your quite a bit of plat to keep yourself healed.

    Paladins are extremely hard to make with 28-point builds and without tomes. They are an incredibly stat-intensive class and require tones of gear to really shine. Because of this, they are usually a poor choice for new players or players without lots of resources at their disposal.

    Human is probably the best race for this sort of build, because of racial stat enhancements, racial healing amp, and a bonus feat.
    Last edited by mediocresurgeon; 10-11-2009 at 03:10 AM.

    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  5. #5
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elwinn View Post
    Yeah, thats why I gave up rerolling and finally posted here for advice I knew that as soon as I re-read the Smite Evil tool tip.
    Since you are THF you can actually sacrifice dex and wis to pump up your cha. The drawback is you will need a plus 6 wisdom item later on down the road to cast all your spells or eat a tome and make up the difference. Once you get your house p favor to the first rank you can buy a owls wisdom or carry a wand or potions of it to cast the first two levels of spells.

  6. #6
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    Thank you medio for helping me get started. I guess I'm going to make it hard on myself by going this route lol

    Going to sleep now, but I'll probably get started tomorrow based on your advice.

    Also, about tomes... is there an entry on the compendium on those and how they work? Either way, I don't mind getting a few points to make it all work, I'm really into this class right now

  7. #7
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    I rolled one up lately and called it Mylvania.

    Build specs are simple:
    32 point Human
    16 STR
    8 DEX
    14 CON
    8 INT
    8 WIS
    16 CHA

    First feats: Toughness, Two Handed Fighting.

    Knight of the Chalice with Exalted Smite. She chews through cure pots and wands like there's no other way of doing a quest, so costs a good 6k plat per quest... mainly because I try to near ly solo every combat encounter with her, letting the other DPS characters merely support her. Recently she was the primary tank in a level 9-12 group as the only level 9, in the Shadow tombs in the Necropolis. We managed completion on Normal with no real healer and absolutely no caster(no FW!), and she managed to nab about 3/4 of the total kills in a 5 tank group with her +1 Ghosttouch Greatsword. The build's solid on DPS, but hurts everywhere else.

    Until level 5-ish or 6, try to stick to the harbor and market, and use whatever you can pick up and swing.

    Grab a Holy Maul off the auction house and rip the Delera's Tomb series apart after that. You'll need Cure Serious wands for yourself to supplement your Lay On Hands, and be sure to take Divine Sacrifice as an enhancement.

    Then, hopefully you can land at least a +5 greataxe or falchion, hopefully better.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 10-11-2009 at 03:04 AM. Reason: Yes, she outkilled 3 level 12s and 2 level 11s by 3x, with a +1 weapon as a level 9.

  8. #8
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Tomes add an Inherent bonus to the stat that they boost. Tomes come in versions of +1 to +4. Tomes do NOT STACK; The higher always overwrites the lower. Bonuses from Tomes stack with everything (except other tomes...), and are considered a part of your base attribute for things like qualifying for feats. Tomes that raise Intelligence, since they raise your actual Intelligence, will also qualify for more skillpoints at followup levels.

    +1 tomes are relatively common as chest loot once you start hitting level 9+ chests. They have a minimum level of 3 to use.

    +2 tomes are relatively common as chest/raid loot once you get to the low teens. They have a minimum level of 7 to use.

    +3 tomes are not common at all, and almost all sources of them yield bound tomes that cannot be traded. Not sure what the min level is, but probably 12 or 13.

    +4 tomes make rare things look common.

  9. #9
    Community Member mediocresurgeon's Avatar
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    I missed that you specifically wanted a THF paladin, and the builds I gave you were TWF.


    The nerfing will continue until morale improves!

  10. #10
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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