Just hit 32 points and it's time to quit being a cleric. The divine has snuffed my inner rage for its last time! Things WILL blow up (not traps lets hope) and XP will be acquired through any and all means necessary (or enjoyable). Wizards have always been my love-class and I really enjoy the utility a rogue can bring. I'm quite content to sit in the back and CC or serve as buffbot until the time for firewall/finger/whatever else arises. I'm fairly certain I understand the builds purpose, objectives, and means to those objectives. My question lies in a bit of the execution.
I'm just working on the build in planner right now so this will likely be a very dynamic thread (at least on my end)- if you make a reply, please check back every few minutes for continued input if you have the time and knowledge available.
So far:
Warforged 32 pt
My first question arises immediately: I've played just long enough to get 32 points. I've seen most of the early content and paid attention to traps but not confident in remembering them all (since intoxicated gaming is a very real possibility). This necessitates that I maintain my spot skill and a spot item.... does this make it a worthwhile investment to eat a +1 wis tome @ 3 to get my ability mod to 0? Or am I better dropping the wis to an 8 and raising str to 14?Code:Starting Abilities Base Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) Strength 13 Dexterity 8 Constitution 17 Intelligence 18 Wisdom 9 Charisma 6
The first 5 levels of the build follows. I'm wanting to go acid focus as opposed to fire since i did fire last time... and blackbone skeletons **** me off beyond belief.
Code:Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10 DDO Character Planner Home Page Level 5 Neutral Good Warforged Male (1 Rogue \ 4 Wizard) Hit Points: 57 Spell Points: 320 BAB: 2\2 Fortitude: 4 Reflex: 8 Will: 4 Starting Feat/Enhancement Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats (32 Point) (Level 1) (Level 5) Strength 13 13 Dexterity 8 8 Constitution 17 17 Intelligence 18 21 Wisdom 9 10 Charisma 6 6 Tomes Used +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 3 +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 3 Starting Feat/Enhancement Base Skills Modified Skills Skills (Level 1) (Level 5) Balance 3 3 Bluff -2 -2 Concentration 5 11 Diplomacy -2 -2 Disable Device 8 13 Haggle 2 2 Heal -1 0 Hide -1 -1 Intimidate -2 -2 Jump 5 5 Listen -1 0 Move Silently -1 -1 Open Lock 3 3 Perform n/a n/a Repair 8 9 Search 8 13 Spot 3 6 Swim 5 5 Tumble 3 3 Use Magic Device 2 2 Level 1 (Rogue) Skill: Balance (+4) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Disable Device (+4) Skill: Haggle (+4) Skill: Jump (+4) Skill: Open Lock (+4) Skill: Repair (+4) Skill: Search (+4) Skill: Spot (+4) Skill: Swim (+4) Skill: Tumble (+4) Skill: Use Magic Device (+4) Feat: (Selected) Insightful Reflexes Level 2 (Wizard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Disable Device (+1) Skill: Search (+1) Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Extend Spell Level 3 (Wizard) Skill: Concentration (+2) Skill: Disable Device (+1) Skill: Search (+1) Feat: (Selected) Mental Toughness Level 4 (Wizard) Ability Raise: INT Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Disable Device (+1) Skill: Search (+1) Skill: Spot (+1) Level 5 (Wizard) Skill: Concentration (+1) Skill: Disable Device (+1) Skill: Search (+1) Skill: Spot (+1) Enhancement: Rogue Skill Boost I Enhancement: Wizard Lineage of Energy I Enhancement: Wizard Energy Manipulation I Enhancement: Wizard Energy of the Scholar I Enhancement: Wizard Intelligence I Enhancement: Warforged Healer's Friend I Enhancement: Warforged Inscribed Armor I
Hmm, Level 6 throws a bit of a question in: I'm going to take iMT as the 'anything goes' feat, but for my metamagic i'm curious-- What's the consensus on Empower VS Maximize? Obviously maximize will yield better damage output but at the cost of a dubious amount of SP. I'm questioning whether empower wouldn't be a better 'big picture' kinda choice at this level. I'll get 3 free metamagics as an 18 wiz and i expect: Quicken, extend, and <Damage Mod> will be my freebies. Verdict is still out on whether i may wanna spend an anything goes feat on heighten- i didn't get far enough on my other wizard to necessitate it's use or perhaps I didn't play my last wiz to the fullest capability. I'm also inclined to want enlarge for sniping beholders. Thoughts?
Bah, another edit: Further consideration. This weekend for the first time, +2 tomes are available for circa 700 points. Im VIP and have justified spending points on niceties as opposed to trying to save up and buy the content to go F2P- afterall, I paid for years on other MMOs, why wouldn't i be willing to for this? I'm considering grabbing one and eating it at 7. This means that, at 8 when i put another +1 into int, I increase my available skills points per level by a further 1. This means a couple things: First the imediate bonus is i get to raise my spot and OL together (albeit, OL @ half the speed) AND when i do take my second level of rogue, I have more points for catching up skills that lagged. Input? Am I really going to need those skillpoints or will i already find myself with an abundance?