Very nice stuff
Since you're around, Eladrin, is there any plan to make the other Dominion debuffs, well, useful?
Most of them don't apply on named characters and the ability to just them on trash mobs is fairly weak. As a result, the spec just pales in comparison to Balance.
Last edited by Borror0; 10-13-2009 at 02:18 PM., #1 source for DDO information.
any changes to remove blindness curse, etc.
they arent hardly worth it, as is. if they were party effect instead would be more useful. or a siple aoe like walk the sun.
Even the rez it seems most wot take it because u either have to previosly saving ki, or have to meditate for teki, which by then someoen else has brought them back to life.
what about changes to abundant step since favored soul with there wings now make us seem slow.
Good to know.
On that topic, It would be nice if all finishers (both light and dark) had some sort of upgraded effect for high level monks (16+). Pehaps increase the duration of buffs based on monk level and the time between saves on debuffs, have freezing the life blood become a hold monster effect (my favorite dark finisher that I rarely get to use since there are few humanoids at high levels)... just ideas...
Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
Khyber, Jesters Court
***Your Vip Account Has Been Cancelled***
shining star is a 4 move finisher as well you have to use earth air fire before you can use it.
How about a buff to ten thousand stars?
It's really just 1 moderately slow star right now. An ability like ten thousand stars sounds like it should give something like multishot for shurikens.
Maybe just a name change will suffice. Call it "throw 1 star a little faster"
Thelanis - Former VIP for ~4 years. Not currently playing.
Former officer of Indago, server-wide 2nd place: Titan, Queen, Reaver, & Abbot
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There is, ironically, no need to reduce anarchic/burst effect occurance, because due to the wierd nature of handwrap coding, they don't apply a negative level. I've tried to bug that a few times, but the bug and play ticket interfaces often don't work right for me, so maybe it was never logged properly.
I'm not exactly knowledgeable on straight up Monks (to put it mildly), so I need a little clarification here. I thought the old progression was 1d6, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6?
If so, this is an interesting buff in that it went from linear to "almost linear for 3 levels followed by a massive jump." In particular, 2d10 is only a half point more than 3d6, but 2d20 averages 21 compared to 4d6 averaging 14, or a full 50% increase over what it used to be at that tier.
Is the point of this to make there be a really good reason to stay with mostly Monk? (If so, I approve. Just trying to undertand.)
Thelanis Brotherhood of BYOH
But um, it only has an effect if the boss actually has healing of some kind, which is just a slim minority of them. (Pit Fiends often have healing, but are also usually curse-proof). I almost want to try Touch of Despair out on Barnizdu in New Invasion... except that the new feat respec costs make it insane to switch to test (and back).
1 million fragments...
It's needed now more than ever, since Harmonious monks have received a large boost in raid-boss effectiveness thanks to increasing Aligning the Heavens from 10% to 25% spellpoint conservation. That's a BIG help to the casters and healers in a raid. Literally, 5 sorcs + 1 monk have more spell damage capacity than 6 sorcs (and they also have whatever martial DPS the monk provides).