Hello DDO Players
Tired of long waits LFGing?
Wish you had access to alittle extra funding or a well stocked item bank when you need it?
Need a guild that is organized and plans regular events for its members?
Dont mind paying tiny ( in-game) monthly guild dues to support all of this?
Well look no further for you have found:
The Elemental Dragons
Server: Cannith
Timezones: EST ( -5GMT) (this is not a matter of exclusion as our members have flexible scheduals but all event times are posted in EST)
Website: http://elementaldragons.guildportal.com ( no WWW. or it will not work.)
Philosophy: "Why play an MMO to be broke, naked, and alone we can get enough of that in real life."
We host Holiday, Raid, Quest run, and other types of events. Also we have contests ( lottery, MotM, races, scavenger hunt, and tell-first).
we have a guild bank Character who keeps a supply of gold, Potions, wands, equipment, and spell reagents. He is also available for a Party Member For Hire service at cheaper than his levels hirelings.
We are a guild made up of five divisions with each one being incharge over a specific level range, or playstyle of recruits. These are:
Founder: Kylan Blaze
Levels: 3+
Goals: Have fun playing and make mad money
In-game Element: Fire
Founder: Lightning Frost
Levels: any in Stormreach
Goals: to kill everything in sight
In-game Element: Frost
Founder: Blissfullfury
Levels: 4+
Goals: To Make lasting parties and friendships
In-game Element: Lightning
Founder: Crankeyone
Levels: 4+
Goals: ( need a founder to decide)
In-game Element: Acid
Founder: Oki( meeeeee!)
Levels: not currently recruiting
Goals: to support and aid the Elite members of the guild.
In-game Element: Force/Chaos
Oki (me ingame, or PM me here)
Kylan ( ingame)
Kylin ( ingame)
Lightning ( ingame)
Blissful ( ingame)
Blissfullfury ( ingame)
Crankeyone (Ingame)