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  1. #1
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Paladin7/Ranger11/Rogue2

    I solo 90% of the time with this character. It's a Drow and I intend to TWF with Rapiers. My main concern is to have high HP, AC and saves... DPS is not much a concern, my survivability is very good already. Here's my reasons for making this build:

    - Paladin Lv7 allows me 3 LoH (with abilities), Lv2 paladin spells, +2 AC aura, +2 saves aura and all the low level paladin goodies.
    - Rogue Lv2, for trap skills and evasion (even if ranger 10 gives that feat, it's nice to have early in the game).
    - Ranger Lv11, why not 12 and tempest II? Well simply because I will have better use for those ability points at high level and what I really want is TWF, ITWF and GTWF.

    Any suggestions from players who tried similar builds in the past? If you suggest to get Ranger Lv12, please say where you'd cut one level and explain please.
    Last edited by Lanceroy; 10-10-2009 at 09:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member ariel7's Avatar
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    Feb 2008


    Ranger 12. Cut 1 level of rogue.

    Making this ONE level change gives you:

    Difference in adding 1 level of ranger, purely saves is + 1/1/1.
    Difference in losing 1 level of rogue, purely saves is - 0/1/0.

    Net gain = +1/0/1 so +1 to fort and will saves.
    Net gain 2 hit points.
    Barksin now gives +5 instead of +4 natural armor bonus.
    +15 spell points, not counting the wisdom modifier.
    The ability to cast a second level 3 ranger spell.
    The ability to spend aps on Ranger favored enemy attack 2, and to take tempest 2, which is a boost of 1 ac and a reduction of attack penalty of 1 per hand.

    For all of that, you will lose the ability to spend aps on some elemental resists (which are duplicated and can be taken further with ranger anyways) rogue dex 1 (which is duplicated and can be taken to dex 3 with ranger anyways) and that ability to spend 1 ap to have +1 to hit on sneak attacks. Oh, and you lose TWO skill points.

    Better saves, ac, dps and bonuses. Rogue 2 is a waste there, and is 100% not the best move to make.

    I would make the further analysis to ask if paladin 7 is better than ranger 6 and monk 1. By being able to reduce charisma points just a little, you can spend them elsewhere. Applying wisdom bonus to ac can make up easily for the loss of aura, Ranger 12 - 18 is an increase of 3/3/2 in saves, 4/4/3 over ranger 11. Monk 1 makes it 5/5/4 from ranger 12/paladin 7. Paladin 7 saves are 5/2/2 and a max aura of 3. Even minimum wisdom with a +2 tome and +6 item you get the same ac bonus with wisdom vs that aura, and don't have to spend action points to get it. The net loss in saves -3 fort save, no change on reflex save, -1 will save and the ability to cast ...according tot eh compendium, you can not cast level 2 paladin spells as you claimed, that comes at Paladin 8. So by giving up Paladin 7 you lose:
    3 to fort save, 1 to will save
    the ability to cast 2 levle 1 paladin spells.
    Lay on Hands
    The sovereign host clickie, some smallish smites, etc.

    You gain:
    ability score consolodation
    2 more levle 1 spells, 1 more level 2 spell, 2 level 4 spells. (Self-cast freedom and csw ain't bad)
    Hiding in plain sight (soloing)
    Another favored enemy, along with +2 MORE to hit and damage to all Favored enemies
    another ac from tempest,
    the ability to make better use of end game gear such as the kilau's set
    90 spell points

    I just find it personally better suited and I found everything stretched kind of thin in a paladin, ranger, rogue build. Possibly it would be a little easier with fighter ranger rogue/monk.

    Agree or not, most of what I listed was factual,a nd the opinions are based on capping 2 similar builds (at 16) and rerolling them bc I didn't like the paladin/ranger mixture from an action point, ability score and other perspectives.

    I REALLY think you gain next to nothing and lose a lot from going rogue 2 over ranger 12, and think its drastically worse.
    Nightbreak - Thelanis.

  3. #3
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I didn't mention but I'm F2P, therefor, Monk is not an option since I'm saving my hard earned DDO points for high level adventure packs.

    I actually rerolled this character since the original post and I'm now Paladin3/Ranger2/Rogue1 (Rogue was the 1st level of course)

    I also changed for 12 int instead of 10 previously to be able to keep disable device maxxed.

    I intend to get Ranger6 before getting any other Paladin levels and I keep the options open, I might get to Ranger9 for Evasion before putting any other levels in Paladin but I will definetly try with only 1 Rogue level. Although it's becoming pretty difficult without evasion but I have a mithral full plate instead.

    Thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming!
    Last edited by Lanceroy; 10-28-2009 at 02:34 PM.

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