![Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)](/forums/images/smilies/rolleyes.png)
This will make me sound even more stupid.
I had charged a bunch of high energy cells with my pally and then (more dumazzedness from me) forgot them in the bank. Long story short is I didn't think I would be crafting and interrupted my original recipe because I figured it was pointless. Somehow I clicked "good blast" instead of "acid blast". This completely negates transmuting and all the juicy goodness that comes with it.
A kind toon helped me out and I ended up with the cells I needed. But...I didn't go back and look at my recipe before I clicked "make this item".
So I followed a recipe I chose on accident and made a holy good blast acid burst rapier. No AC. No tranmuting. No other effects I can add to it. I don't have IC piercing, so without transmuting, the blast effects won't go off that often. Basically, I have a totally gimped rapier with a stoneskin clicky that took me forever to make. At least I didn't make a potency item or something like that.
I still have one of the supreme shards to make a min II, so I guess I am out a blank, some smalls, mediums, and then 3 scales and blah blah blah. Ultimately I can use the shard to make a Min II, because the one I have is correct. The one I added was the screwed up one. If I did it in reverse, at least the rapier would be salvagable.