This has been puzzeling to me for a while. I notice that if I make a character, no matter what the character class, that bow damage is less if I have under 10 STR.
Now, please keep in mind that I have been playing D&D for right around 30 years. I remember when STR affected the damage of bows regardless of character class. So, the current practice of only giving STR bonuses to rangers (and now to those crazy enough to spend the feats for it) has always seemed inappropriate to me.
Only with composites
In addition, we know that ranged combat is grossly outclassed by every form of melee. This has been the subject of many posts bemoaning the weakness of ranged rangers.
I'd imagine a finesse SnB would be close
What I would suggest is that DDO change the way STR applies to bow damage and also the way that the bow strength feat is implimented.
First, apply STR modifiers to damage for all character classes. In the grand scheme of things it is a trivial amount of damage compared to the damage of melee weapons.
Will junk all returning thrown weapons as a melee's ranged choice
Second, change bow strength as a feat to a multiplier of STR damage. At L5 give a 1.5 multiplier. Then increase the multiplier by .5 every 5 character levels. Maximum multiplier is 3 at L20*.
Hmmm free power attack on bows although 43 rof a min... but wait, 43 shots a min at level 20 on a raid buffed fighter becomes about 90-120 every shot each and criticals of 270-360 before any procs or manyshots potential 1440. Str rangers, and barbs even more...
On the surface a damage bonus of 3 times STR bonus seems excessive. However, I don't think it is far out of line if we remember the attack speed, base damage and crit range of bows. When compared to dual wielded khopeshes on an equal STR character the damage potential is still less.
We all should roll up some ranged berzerkers and get some ranged acilarity items...
* I would finally suggest that the prerequisites for bow strength be changed to allow non-rangers to take the feat at L5 if they have point blank shot and rapid shot. These are equivalent to the ranger skills at that level. Allow rangers, who get bow strength at L1, a x 2 modifier at L1 to represent their focus on bows (giving them 2 @ L1, 2.5 @ L5, 3 @ L10, 3.5 @ L15 and 4 @ L20).