I have a couple of suggestions I would like to throw out there. Please feel free to comment as you see fit.

I know the new Tempest change really ticked people off. Specificly the change to the AC bonus from an untyped bonus to a Sheild bonus. People were arguing that the off-hand weapon wasn't really a sheild and I'll have to agree. I suggest changing the AC bonus to a "Parrying" bonus. That seems more in line with what one would be doing with the off-hand weapon anyway. Discuss..

I believe the monk buffs need to be looked at. All other spell effects in the game gain in power and/or durration as the character levels. Monk buffs however, stay the same. I would suggest having either the buffs increse in durration as a monk leves (ex: 1 minute for every 4 monk levels), or increse in power (Ex: Walk the Sun adds +1 to hit for ever 4 monk levels). I think the durration would be the easiest to implement.

What do you guys think? I would like a Dev to chime in if possible if these things seem out of wack.