I've recently installed a new graphics card because I was getting slight stuttering ingame. I thought it was my bad graphics card so I changed it out. I logged in and detected optimal settings and it comes up very high.
But the stuttering is still happening.
Now, the funny thing is in most quests I can go to v.high settings and get zero stuttering. Doesn't matter how many dancing balls, how many porting devils, how many fogs...zero stuttering. But the moment I go 'open air' I stutter.
What I mean by open air is you can see the sky and you can see into the distance, The Shroud, Bastion of Power (I think is what its called, the new prison one.) In open air its even painful to type in chat or move the mouse cursor.
I thought it was lag, but it's not. Believe me, me and lag go back a long, long way and I know it intimately. I'm not getting info after the fact, I'm not standing still or suddenly zipping forward. It's as if I'm only getting some of the frames.
I've tried lowering the frame rates and I've tried switching to software instead of hardware for sound, I've tried turning off all anti-virus and I've defragged and clean my computer. I've turned off indexing and restore points...it saying my CPU runs between 20%-100% while playing and nothing seems to be being taxed.
I've looked at conflict's in BIOS and my graphics card is listed there, but I'm kinda unclear as to what that means...One website told a guy with a similar problem to look under conflicts and if his graphics card was listed that was his problem...but didnt go into further details how to resolve the problem.
I know people have similar problems with ATI cards, but this is Nvidia.
I'm pretty much stuck with what this could be. It never happened when I was in the US, but I've also replaced my power supply because UK electricity and US electronics dont mix, apparently.
Any insight would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.