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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Repost: Past Life Feat suggestion

    This is just a repost of some feedback I left so that other players might see and comment on it. Obviously I'd like the devs to take note, but I wanted to get some attention from the players as well. What do you think?

    The largest problem of these Past Life feats: Fighters have plenty of room for extra feats, while few if any other builds do. They also tend to favor humans due to their bonus feat, which I am unsure is intended. Racial balance is a bit tougher, but class balance certainly shouldn't be that crippling to these feats.

    The majority (but by no means all) of builds rely on three primary feat standbys: Two weapon fighting, Two handed fighting (aka melees) or Spellcasting (aka casters). Each of these has so many "must haves" that most of these feats are moot. To be honest, many of these feats fall short of dragonmarks - especially the halfling ones.

    While I agree they can't be free without making True Reincarnation much more powerful, they need to be worth the feat investment. If anything, make them an improved version of an existing feat, allowing builds which choose that feat to gain a slight boost without trying to make them stand on their own. Trying for the latter is going to make them undesirable or simply too good to pass up, creating an unintended pressure on the "need" to True Reincarn (which it would seem you are trying to avoid).

    Some Examples:

    Enraged Power Attack [Requires: Past Life: Barbarian, Str 13]
    You recall some of your experiences as a barbarian. This feat functions in all ways as Power Attack, though the maximum base benefit may add up to 6 damage at the cost of 6 to hit. This feat counts as Power Attack for prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Power Attack.

    Masterful Dodge [Requires: Past Life: Monk, Dex 13]
    You recall some of your experiences as a monk. You add a +2 dodge bonus to your AC. This functions in all ways as dodge and counts as dodge for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Dodge.

    Twin Weapon Fighting* [Requires: Past Life: Ranger, Dex 15]
    You recall some of your experiences as a ranger. When fighting with two weapons, you attack 2% faster, in addition to all benefits conferred by Two weapon fighting. This functions in all ways as Two weapon fighting and counts as Two weapon fighting for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Two weapon fighting.

    Improved Rapid Shot* [Requires: Past Life: Ranger, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot]
    You recall some of your experiences as a ranger. When using ranged weapons, you attack 2% faster, in addition to the bonus speed Rapid Shot normally grants. This functions in all ways as Rapid Shot and counts as Rapid Shot for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Rapid Shot.

    *At second level a ranger could choose one of these two which he gains access to as an automatic feat.

    Master's Weapon Focus [Requires: Past Life: Fighter, Base Attack Bonus +1]
    You recall some of your experiences as a fighter. When attacking with the selected weapon, you gain a +1 to confirm criticals and +1 to critical damage before multipliers. This stacks with all effects. You also gain +1 to hit as Weapon Focus. This feat counts as Weapon Focus for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Weapon Focus.


    P.S. These shouldn't be that hard, maybe a wizard one for Extend Spell that uses 1 less base SP to use. Sorc same idea, but it affects Empower spell instead. Small changes that are neither completely free nor overshadow existing characters by a wide margin.

    NOTE: All of these feats can be taken at level 1. This is both intentional and important: Chances are those who True Reincarn would like to start their second life immediately able to access this benefit and use it all the way to 20 again. This is not required, but it's an option.

    Additionally, while I did not write it down here it's also possible to have a first and second tier of these feats - essentially doubling the benefit - if you take a class to 20 three times. I don't see any of these as game-breaking benefits, even if doubled, considering their costs. They certainly feel small enough to be along the same line of power as 2 more build points, while not engendering on feat territory too much. How the coding would go for these I am unsure, but I can't imagine it being too extra difficult to add duplicate feats and tweak them slightly. Just look at Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus and Superior Weapon Focus. The only catch here might be feats which are in turn modified by enhancements, such as Enraged Power attack.

  2. #2
    Community Member krud's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006


    I think the following past life feat would better suit my characters:

    Past Life feat: Necrophobia - Your recollections of your most common past life experience has left you severely traumatized. You have a deep rooted fear of dark confined places, sharp pointy objects, and fire. Upon reaching a dungeon entrance you must make a DC40 will save or be paralyzed with fear. Failed save results in loss of feeling in your all of your limbs previously severed in a past life. This feat grants you the unlimited ability to cast Word of Recall. Characters paralyzed with fear may only enter a quest by having their soulstone transported in by a fellow party member.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

    Minimize expectations and you'll never be disappointed

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