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  1. #21
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    Really want a ranger with limit feats to spend another feat on that garbage, woot can cast spell for free once per rest. What a load of garbage. If going to cost me a feat it should be hell lot better then that. Some or alright but must or just garbage. So basically the ranger one only helps other classes to go ranger at first, though with limit feats ranger other classes get besides fighters get almost no advantage because the feats not that good. No way would change my current feats some builds besides fighter class because do not have any to spare. These feats need to either be free or change big time.

  2. #22
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    The post above sums up the largest problem of these feats: Fighters have plenty of room for extra feats, while few if any other builds do. They also tend to favor humans due to their bonus feat, which I am unsure is intended. Racial balance is a bit tougher, but class balance certainly shouldn't be that crippling to these feats.

    The majority (but by no means all) of builds rely on three primary feat standbys: Two weapon fighting, Two handed fighting (aka melees) or Spellcasting (aka casters). Each of these has so many "must haves" that most of these feats are moot. To be honest, many of these feats fall short of dragonmarks - especially the halfling ones.

    While I agree they can't be free without making True Reincarnation much more powerful, they need to be worth the feat investment. If anything, make them an improved version of an existing feat, allowing builds which choose that feat to gain a slight boost without trying to make them stand on their own. Trying for the latter is going to make them undesirable or simply too good to pass up, creating an unintended pressure on the "need" to True Reincarn (which it would seem you are trying to avoid).

    As an example: Enraged Power Attack [Requires: Past Life: Barbarian, Str 13]
    You recall some of your experiences as a barbarian. This feat functions in all ways as Power Attack, though the maximum base benefit may add up to 6 damage at the cost of 6 to hit. This feat counts as Power Attack for prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Power Attack.

    Or how about: Masterful Dodge [Requires: Past Life: Monk, Dex 13]
    You recall some of your experiences as a monk. You add a +2 dodge bonus to your AC. This functions in all ways as dodge and counts as dodge for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Dodge.


    P.S. These shouldn't be that hard, maybe a wizard one for Extend Spell that uses 1 less base SP to use. Sorc same idea, but it affects Empower spell instead. Small changes that are neither completely free nor overshadow existing characters by a wide margin.

    P.P.S. This is so ridiculously easy here are a few more:

    Twin Weapon Fighting* [Requires: Past Life: Ranger, Dex 15]
    You recall some of your experiences as a ranger. When fighting with two weapons, you attack 2% faster, in addition to all benefits conferred by Two weapon fighting. This functions in all ways as Two weapon fighting and counts as Two weapon fighting for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Two weapon fighting.

    Improved Rapid Shot* [Requires: Past Life: Ranger, Dex 13, Point Blank Shot]
    You recall some of your experiences as a ranger. When using ranged weapons, you attack 2% faster, in addition to the bonus speed Rapid Shot normally grants. This functions in all ways as Rapid Shot and counts as Rapid Shot for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Rapid Shot.

    *At second level a ranger could choose one of these two which he gains access to as an automatic feat.

    Master's Weapon Focus [Requires: Past Life: Fighter, Base Attack Bonus +1]
    You recall some of your experiences as a fighter. When attacking with the selected weapon, you gain a +1 to confirm criticals and +1 to critical damage before multipliers. This stacks with all effects. You also gain +1 to hit as Weapon Focus. This feat counts as Weapon Focus for all prerequisites. This feat's benefit will not stack with Weapon Focus.

    NOTE: All of these feats can be taken at level 1. This is both intentional and important: Chances are those who True Reincarn would like to start their second life immediately able to access this benefit and use it all the way to 20 again. This is not required, but it's an option.

    Additionally, while I did not write it down here it's also possible to have a single and second tier of these feats - essentially doubling the benefit - if you take a class to 20 three times. I don't see any of these as game-breaking benefits, even if doubled, considering their costs. They certainly feel small enough to be along the same line of power as 2 more build points, while not engendering on feat territory too much. How the coding would go for these I am unsure, but I can't imagine it being too extra difficult to add duplicate feats and tweak them slightly. Just look at Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Focus and Superior Weapon Focus. The only catch here might be feats which are in turn modified by enhancements, such as Enraged Power attack.
    Last edited by TrenchcoatJesus; 10-10-2009 at 01:32 AM.

  3. #23
    Community Member Bosco's Avatar
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    Since you actually gain in size how about making the ranger feat monkey grip so you can dual wield two handed weapons?

  4. #24
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    Trenchcoat brings up a good point.

    The best of these feats is basically the Sorcerer ones because they are a "better version" of an existing feat. The Sorceror is basically Mental Toughness on steroids: 105 extra SP with 10 random casts of Elemental Damage spells.

    I would love to see more Past Life Feats to work this way.

    Barbarian: Gain Toughness Feat. Gain +10 HP
    HP is a Barbarian Mainstay. +10 HP is a 1AP level 1 Enhancement.

    Bard: Gain Force of Personality Feat. Gain +1 to all Charisma skill checks except for UMD.
    Charisma is a Bard's calling card. I figure we can really sell this guy as a slick charismatic fellow. +1 to Diplomacy, Haggle, Perform, Imtimidate, and Bluff checks. This is 5APs worth of level 1 enhancements. And you don't get UMD, which is the one that everyone wants

    Cleric: Gain Empower Healing Feat. Gain 5 uses of Cure Moderate Wounds.
    Cleric is known for healing. 5 uses of CMW is effectively 16-26 hp healed averaging 21. Empowered, it heals another 10.5 hp for a total of 31.5. With 5 uses it heals averages 157.5 HP. Of course, this can get jacked up with Ardor and other heal enhancement abilities.

    Favored Soul: Gain Empower Feat. All empowered spells do 3% more damage (calculated after the Empower).
    Blade Barrier averages 48 damage/hit. Empowered it averages 72 damage/hit. With the bonus, it averages 74.16 damage a hit. Of course, you can stack Maximize and all that stuff with it to make the number bigger.

    Fighter: Gain Weapon Focus Feat. Gain +1 damage to the chosen weapon type.
    Fighters are the masters of their weapons! +1 damage is half of a level 4 feat (which is usually considered worse than the Weapon Focus Feat) and is important only as a stepping stone to Superior Weapon Focus and the Kensai PrC. Which you don't get with this ability.

    Monk: Gain Dodge Feat. Gain +3 to Concentration.
    Concentration is really something Monks rely on. +3 to concentration is a 6 point AP. But that's okay.

    Paladin: Gain Luck of Heroes Feat. Gain +1 to Will Saves.
    Paladins are known for their saves. +1 Will save is half of the Iron Will Feat.

    Ranger: Gain Two-Weapon Fighting Feat. 3% attack speed boost while dual wielding.
    Attack speed really is what Dual Wielding is about. 3% emphasizes that.

    Rogue: Gain Weapon Finesse Feat. Gain +1 to saves/AC versus traps.
    Rogues are known for being the "anti-trap". +1 versus saves is their Level 3 ability.

    Sorcerer: Gain Mental Toughness Feat. Gain 10 uses of random elemental damage spells.
    Yes this is the template that I am basing things off of.

    Wizard: Gain Heighten Spell Feat. Heightened spells work at an additional +1 DC.
    I really wanted to sell the "High DC" aspect of a Wizard versus the "Lots of SP" aspect of the Sorc.

    All of these are 'upgraded' versions of existing feats that I think would make the flavor of each class really shine, yet not be overpowered.
    Last edited by amyndris; 10-10-2009 at 03:28 AM.

  5. #25
    Founder KaKa's Avatar
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    The main thing in my opinion that needs to happen, if all past life feats should benefit a reincarnated character who reincarnates into the same class again, and should even provide a benefit if they do it twice into the same class.
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  6. #26
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dylos_Moon View Post
    I am also not entirely sold on spending feats for any of these especially on a character who would likely reincarnate into the same class (how likely is someone to reincarnate into a different class anyway, I mean you can only do it twice, and you likely already have raid gear at 20).

    There is one thing I would like to add to this conversation.

    Please for the love of all that is arcane, allow Past Life: Sorcerer, Past Life: Wizard, or Past Life: Bard to be prerequisites for arcane archer in substitution of mental toughness or the energy enhancements (thus allowing full class rogue, barbarian, or fighter to take arcane archer). At the very least Allow Past Life: Arcane Prodigy to be a prerequisite (you can take it even if you don't have spells right? and you use spell points for some arcane archer abilities, this feat gives you spell points, but no way to use them.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Depravity View Post
    Suggestion: Skill Remembrance
    You may take a past life feat allowing any one skill that was a class skill for a previous life (in the case of MC characters, majority level, as per Eladrin's post) to count as a class skill for your character. If taken after 1st level, any previous skill points spent as half ranks still count as half ranks (just to save devs time writing retcon code)

    Gets you a clear benefit, although it is slanted towards rogue/bard previous lives.
    Makes for some interesting build options, such as a full intimidate pure paladin.

    I'd suggest that UMD not be included in this, as it has had a history of being treated differently from other skills to keep it from being too easily cranked up. UMD seems the most likely skill to create a "broken" build.
    I like both of these ideas.

    Perhaps our second life ability could instead be a selection of certain feats and/or enhancements from our original class?

    Fighter could offer up Armor Mastery and Weapon Specialization (not Greater).
    Paladin could offer up Lay on Hands and saves aura.
    Rogue could offer up Faster Sneaking and Evasion.
    Wizard could offer one bonus metamagic feat or efficient metamagic whatever.

    I know that the above aren't consistently powerful from one to the next, but the intent is clear.

    Perhaps! Label class features and enhancements in 2 tiers: the first, less powerful set, would be available upon reincarnating once. The second would be available if you reincarnate from the same class twice.

    For example, Faster Sneaking might be a tier I ability and Evasion a tier II. So, a rogue 20 could respec to a fighter, and gain faster sneaking, or the rogue 20 could reincarnate to another rogue 20, and then reincarnate to a fighter with Evasion. This would be a true incentive to releveling a character a few times.

    I'd personally like a combination of options, where a character could choose a class feat, enhancement line or skill (but only one of the 3) that carries over to the new character.
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  7. #27
    Founder Jovial's Avatar
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    Didnt realize you needed to use a feat for these. *sigh..... I take back all previous positive feedback. This is just another fail.

  8. #28
    Founder storm357's Avatar
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    Have to say I agree with ^^^
    None of these with the exception of the sorcerer upgraded MT are worth spending a feat on even for flavor guys. Think about how often these will get used even if they were free feats...then decide how much they would be worth it to the players if kept as non-free feats.
    The value/demand ratio on them is a bit like offering snow cones at $10 a peice to the Antarctic research team ><

    Amandris offers one of the best lists of past life feats and others have shown ideas that would be worth spending a feat on with out being over powered.

    If you are looking to give us a solid reason to level capped toons all over again ( and keep paying/playing to do it), these ideas are the way to do so with out unbalancing the game. Feats that no one wants and will not use, are not.
    Last edited by storm357; 10-10-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  9. #29
    Community Member Jefro's Avatar
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    wrong thread
    Last edited by Jefro; 10-10-2009 at 03:29 PM.

  10. #30
    Founder binnsr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fennario View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The list of Past Life Feats quoted above are not free, you have to spend a normal feat slot to take them. The free Past Life Feats are the ones that these use as prerequisites (that don't do anything on their own, other than granting access to these).
    Well that seems kind of lame. Some of them are kind of nice for a bit of flavor, but not worth spending a precious feat slot on them at all.

    I mean who in there right mind would spend a feat to cast lionheart 3x a day???

    These should be granted automatically I think.
    I couldn't agree more.

    IMO, there needs to be a 4th tier to this reincarnation system -- one that lets you change class levels without requiring lvl20 or granting extra build points. Make us re-level the character, but without the XP penalty. Let us get 32 points on a 28-pointer without the bonus points. Or even give us a choice between the two when talking to the Reincarnation NPC.

    Most players that I've talked to that are in favor of respecing want it to get rid of one or more levels of a certain class -- not just for skills or attributes or to change the character completely over to something else entirely.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by binnsr View Post
    imo, There Needs To Be A 4th Tier To This Reincarnation System -- One That Lets You Change Class Levels without Requiring Lvl20 Or Granting Extra Build Points. Make Us Re-level The Character, But Without The Xp Penalty. Let Us Get 32 Points On A 28-pointer Without The Bonus Points. Or Even Give Us A Choice Between The Two When Talking To The Reincarnation Npc.

    Most Players That I've Talked To That Are In Favor Of Respecing Want It To Get Rid Of One Or More Levels Of A Certain Class -- Not Just For Skills Or Attributes Or To Change The Character Completely Over To Something Else Entirely.

  12. #32
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    The ranger looks best, as long as you are a non ranger melee with an extra feat to burn.. Hmm fighter past life ranger? 3 damage and 1 to hit for a clickie that lasts 20ish min at cap isn't too bad.
    Don't be so sure about that.

    The ranger past life feat turns out to be a 3 minute clicky.

    Meh, not worth the feat for most.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    Don't be so sure about that.

    The ranger past life feat turns out to be a 3 minute clicky.

    Meh, not worth the feat for most.
    3 Min? That definitly puts it in with the rest of them as *** were they thinking? If these were granted then ok, but burning a feat slot on these?

  14. #34
    Community Member GhostNull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    3 Min? That definitly puts it in with the rest of them as *** were they thinking? If these were granted then ok, but burning a feat slot on these?
    Now that some specifics are being learned, a lot more of these Past Life feats seem to be getting weaker. It's sad when some of the Dragonmarks are better than these feats especially when you have to reroll a level 20 character to get them!

    With that in mind, please take the time to reconsider the Past Life feats, Devs. There's been some great suggestions thrown around. Past Life feats should capture some of the original flavor of the class the reincarnated character used to be. Past Life feats should grant some lesser bonuses if the player decides to reincarnate into the same class.

    Past Life: Berserker's Fury New Proposal
    You recall more about your past life as a barbarian. You have +2 to your Intimidate skill and can enter a barbarian rage twice per rest. Activate this barbarian ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting you a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, you will lose the hit points granted to you by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Your character also gains a passive DR 1/- at level 1 with an increase of 1 per 6 levels for a maximum of DR 4/-. Your rage will last for 24 seconds + 6 per character level. This rage ability acts aa Barbarian rage and will the block the character out of casting spells for the duration.

    If you reincarnate into the Barbarian class, your character recieves a +2 to the Intimidate skill and the number of rages per rest will increase by 1. When using Rage, you gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength and Constitution, +1 Morale Bonus to Will saves and a -1 penalty to AC on top of other Rage abilities and enhancements.
    I liked Aesop's idea here, just expanded on it.

    Past Life: Soldier of the Faith New Proposal
    You recall more about your past life as a paladin. You have +2 to your Diplomacy skill, and can Smite Evil three times per rest. Unlike a Paladin's Smite Evil where damage is based on the number levels of Paladin a character has, Smite Evil granted from Soldier of the Faith is based on total character level. Attack bonus based on Charisma modifier remains.

    If the player decides to reincarnate into a Paladin, their Smite Evil will gain an extra damage bonus to Smite Evil. Half-character level will be additionally applied to the standard Paladin's Smite Evil damage bonus.
    This one needed some work. The bonus to Diplomacy isn't better than the bonus to the Heal skill, I know.

    Past Life: Warrior of the Wild New Proposal
    You recall more about your past life as a ranger. You have +2 to your Spot skill and can choose a single Favored Enemy. Your character gains a +2 bonus to damage to their chosen Favored Enemy. This bonus increases by +1 per 6 levels.

    Reincarnating into Ranger, Favored Enemy damage bonus is increased by +1 and gains an additional +1 bonus to damage every 5 levels. This bonus is applied to all the Ranger's Favored Enemies.
    Favored Enemy fits better here

    Past Life: Arcane Initiate New Proposal
    You recall more about your past life as a wizard. You have +2 to your Concentration skill and are more efficient with metamagics. Starting at level 1, your spell point cost through the use of metamagic feats is reduced by 1. Every 8 levels thereafter the reduction is increased by 1 for a total reduction of 3 spell points. This bonus stacks with other metamagic reductions.
    This might be too powerful, but Wizards do have less spell points and spend time studying the arcane arts...

    That's all I have for now...
    Last edited by GhostNull; 10-11-2009 at 02:11 PM.

  15. #35


    Eladrin, as many others have already said, these feats were reasonable when they were first presented as everyone assumed they were the free versions with them being the pre reqs for slightly more powerful versions that you could spend a feat slot on... if you expect anyone to spend feats on these, you're kidding yourself, as these are even less deserving then most of the dragon marks. I know options are good but when options only cause people to make bad decisions and make things worse, it's kind of wasted effort on Turbines part and doesn't nothing but reduce the quality of the game.

    Honestly, very few of these feats seem game breaking as free addons for all that extra work. Obviously some are more powerful then others and other's are near useless and simply insulting. It would be very much worth while to reconsider working these in as the free feats and making them consistently acceptable. Even more so if you expect people, even if it's only a few people, to spend a feat on.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyvn View Post
    3 Min? That definitly puts it in with the rest of them as *** were they thinking? If these were granted then ok, but burning a feat slot on these?
    Actually, I have to doublecheck. I have to go back and check to see the levels I was looking at. It may increase a min. per level....

  17. #37
    Community Member Tanka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mediocresurgeon View Post
    Self-explainitory. Nobody cares about Lionheart because it does not scale well. An additional +1 AC is can be useful at all character levels and is not game breaking.
    LF1M Pal with Max AC Aura + PL: Pal to help MT.

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  18. #38
    Community Member Visty's Avatar
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    i got a question considering the sorc one:
    that has as only perrequ that you have to be a sorc befor?
    means even a pure fighter could take it?

    if the answer to that is yes: does it qualify for arcane archer?
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  19. #39
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    A repost from the repost thread

    Past Life feat: Necrophobia - Your recollections of your most common past life experience has left you severely traumatized. You have a deep rooted fear of dark confined places, sharp pointy objects, and fire. Upon reaching a dungeon entrance you must make a DC40 will save or be paralyzed with fear. Failed save results in loss of feeling in your all of your limbs previously severed in a past life. This feat grants you the unlimited ability to cast Word of Recall. Characters paralyzed with fear may only enter a quest by having their soulstone transported in by a fellow party member.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  20. #40
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The list of Past Life Feats quoted above are not free, you have to spend a normal feat slot to take them. The free Past Life Feats are the ones that these use as prerequisites (that don't do anything on their own, other than granting access to these).
    Wow! Eladrin, I am sorry to say that this is VERY disappointing. Most classes are so Feat-Starved that they wouldn't have room for these if they wanted. In PnP, these would be powerful, but as others here have stated, in DDO, almost all of them are VERY underpowered. The Sorcerer one is one of the only "decent" ones, and like other have said, if Past Life: Sorc/Bard/Wizard counted as the casting prerequisite for Arcane Archer, I could see that being used..

    But seriously, I can see some Fighter, Ranger, and maybe Wizard builds using one of these.. but all the other builds are usually so full up on Feats, and none of these (other than Sorc) are worth a Feat slot. Really.

    I was really hoping that this was the "free" part given for doing a True Reincarnation. I mean, yes we get +2 Build Points, but we also lose all Tomes, XP, and Favor. And this is the ONLY way you have given us to respec out a level (which I still think a respec for 1-2 level changes NEEDS to be implemented with less of a penalty than True Respec). I would think that for losing all your Favor, XP, and Tomes, and getting a higher XP curve to leveling, that +2 Build Points and a bonus "Past Life" Feat (for FREE) would be a worthwhile trade. I was honestly thinking about doing a True Respec on my pure Sorc simply for +2 Build Points and a "free" MT feat (not to fix anything, because he is built EXACTLY how I like him)... but without the Past Life feat, I am really having a hard time justifying ANY character to get the True Respec option.

    Yes, I have characters that I messed up, and would love to fix (and I have rerolled too many to keep doing that).. .and the True Respec is a reroll but keep your Loot... If Greater Respec gave the option to change 1 level choice... I think that would work PERFECTLY. Purchase a Greater Respec and change 1 level choice other than your initial choice... shouldn't mess up any alignment restrictions, because you don't allow Level 1 to change. Heck, even if you have to, when you do the Greater Respec, show a list of the level progression, and make you choose the change up-front... I don't care. Just please, find some balance.

    1) Feat: Past Life should be free with True Respec
    2) Add 1 Class change with a Greater Respec
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