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  1. #1
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Default For all ya new players...don't blind invite

    I've been running up a new toon....minding my own stuff. Well me and a few others I have talked to have been getting tons of blind invites to parties. It sure is nice you guys want to group with us.....but if we wanted to join your or other peoples parties we would ask. That is what the LFM panel is for. It's OK to send a tell and ask....but I had some dude spamming me today....even after I was kind enough to ask him to stop.

    If ya wanna keep usin General Chat that's cool too.....but the LFM panel is your friend. So please stop the madness and stop the blind invites!!!
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  2. #2
    Founder yams's Avatar
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    This is what Anonymous is for. Half the time when I'm just checking out the brokers or looking at the AH I'll get blind invites on my cleric. Not even a "Hey do you want to help us with this quest?" Just an invite. Usually that gets a squelch (not that you care, but what else can I do!?) and results in me going anonymous.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alhaz1970
    Welcome to D&D (or D&D based in DDO's case) where players have spent the last 34 years rolling characters that they want to play, that fit what they think is fun, or their idea of a heroic fantasy character...
    Orien: Sevalia|Cugel|Fedor|Blastomatic

  3. #3
    Community Member soupertc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yams View Post
    This is what Anonymous is for. Half the time when I'm just checking out the brokers or looking at the AH I'll get blind invites on my cleric. Not even a "Hey do you want to help us with this quest?" Just an invite. Usually that gets a squelch (not that you care, but what else can I do!?) and results in me going anonymous.
    I don't go Anon on any of my toons....cause it use to not be an issue. Sometimes I do on my cleric if I'm soloing stuff....but on tanks?
    No I don't wear a Concordant Opp item on my Barb...but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Zixx of the FlatBlade(Barb)

  4. #4
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Having an anonymous character in an LFM ensures it won't attract many vets.

    Personally, I avoid any LFM that has any other class than cleric as anonymous.

    Too many bad players hide behind it.
    BLACK MANTIS - Sarlona
    A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e e

  5. #5
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yams View Post
    This is what Anonymous is for. Half the time when I'm just checking out the brokers or looking at the AH I'll get blind invites on my cleric. Not even a "Hey do you want to help us with this quest?" Just an invite. Usually that gets a squelch (not that you care, but what else can I do!?) and results in me going anonymous.
    And another problem with being anonymous is you do not come up on your friends list when you are in game. I have never once used anonymous, why should I prevent someone from sending me a tell asking if I want to quest, I can simply reply yes or no, but your suggesting that as a solution to blind invites shows that you have either been away from the game a long time, or never learned the DDO etiquette, or somehow unaware of what has been a constant in DDO's existence. People should not send blind invites, it is rude, it interferes with game play if soloing, and why would anyone accept an invite to a group of strangers not knowing what they wanted to run. That's just nonsense.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  6. #6
    Founder yams's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    And another problem with being anonymous is you do not come up on your friends list when you are in game. I have never once used anonymous, why should I prevent someone from sending me a tell asking if I want to quest, I can simply reply yes or no, but your suggesting that as a solution to blind invites shows that you have either been away from the game a long time, or never learned the DDO etiquette, or somehow unaware of what has been a constant in DDO's existence. People should not send blind invites, it is rude, it interferes with game play if soloing, and why would anyone accept an invite to a group of strangers not knowing what they wanted to run. That's just nonsense.
    I didn't know about the friends list. At any rate, if I've logged on for the specific purpose of checking brokers, AH, resupplying, etc., I don't want to be bothered with invites or tells. I guess it's not a huge deal to get them. Also, I didn't realize until today that the "Anonymous" box doesn't automatically get unchecked when you join a group. I guess I'll just have to take one more piece of advice from the vets and politely say "No thank you" from now on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alhaz1970
    Welcome to D&D (or D&D based in DDO's case) where players have spent the last 34 years rolling characters that they want to play, that fit what they think is fun, or their idea of a heroic fantasy character...
    Orien: Sevalia|Cugel|Fedor|Blastomatic

  7. #7


    I concur with this. There are to many people sending out the blind invites and using general chat. The LFM is so simple to use, and is widely used among the vets of the game. I understand that in other MMO's it is rare to use these features because of their poor design, but in DDO the LFM is well designed and usefull. I am currently bloating my ignore list by adding any person I don't know who sends me a blind invite.

  8. #8
    Community Member enochiancub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalanth View Post
    I concur with this. There are to many people sending out the blind invites and using general chat. The LFM is so simple to use, and is widely used among the vets of the game. I understand that in other MMO's it is rare to use these features because of their poor design, but in DDO the LFM is well designed and usefull. I am currently bloating my ignore list by adding any person I don't know who sends me a blind invite.
    Problem with this is that anytime one suggest they use the LFM, no mater how politely, it instantly causes a poo storm. Yesterday I asked someone to use LFM instead of spamming general, advice and trade ( i was trying to help people on advice) not only did said party go ape caca on me but a half dozen other people chimed in with the usual "You use LFM if you like it so much" or "that thing is g@y" and on and on. Not to mention verbal abuse and the usual abusive tells.

    What was it I said to cause such a ruckus? "Hey so and so, I see three parties in the social panel getting ready to do WW, and one of them is looking for a rogue!"

    Yeah I'm such a jerk. As for going anon, yes it is a simple solution, but as stated above it hides you from your friends as well. Kinda sticks. Darned if we do, darned if we don't.

    Main: 18 Artificer, Thelanis

  9. #9
    Community Member Ithrani's Avatar
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    I flipped on someone who blind invited me today, some other guy was in the group that was also blind invited and he said, "Man, I wasn't going to get that upset about it"

    I couldn't help it because in 3 years of playing DDO I have gotten blind invites on rare occasions, because vet DDO players know not to do this. It mostly happened at low level when building new alts, some new player has no idea not to do that and I nicely explain not to.

    Now because of the influx of new players everyday I am getting blind invites and When my level 18 monk gets an invite and I see, "what levels are you guys and what do you want to run?" After days of being annoyed at the amount of blind invites, Yeah I am going to flip the ___ out.

    Of course the guy who made the comment about getting upset was no Vet, good luck selling that Staff of the Seer for 1 mil.
    Last edited by Ithrani; 10-10-2009 at 03:25 PM.
    DDO Completionist-You Win DDO-You Lose Life

  10. #10
    Community Member MorningStarSE's Avatar
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    I've to agree with y'all. Maybe I've been lucky lately with my rerolled toon but i know how blind invite are annoying here (especially with a well made and very usefull LFG panel).
    Sarlona : The Quebeckers - Soloing, Duoing or Small Group in french
    Thelanis : Sofa Kings - Yes, we are that cool

  11. #11
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Id like to add blind panhandling to that seriously I know we were all new but begging threw tells is getting really annoying. Also know that if someone is in the middle of a quest they are not going to immediately answer your tells so saying "PLEASE ANSWER ME" is only adding to your annoying behavior. Oh and to the guy who thought Id run his level 7 threw a shroud...yeah please forget my characters if I wanted to adopt a noob id do so on my own account.
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  12. #12
    Community Member Quikster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Id like to add blind panhandling to that seriously I know we were all new but begging threw tells is getting really annoying. Also know that if someone is in the middle of a quest they are not going to immediately answer your tells so saying "PLEASE ANSWER ME" is only adding to your annoying behavior. Oh and to the guy who thought Id run his level 7 threw a shroud...yeah please forget my characters if I wanted to adopt a noob id do so on my own account.
    /squelch add.......

    Much easier than /r no you cannot have my stuff you lazy newb!
    Sarlona's FORMER #1 Piker!!
    QuiknDirty~Quikster~Quikkilla Missquik~
    Member of Roving Guns

  13. #13
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ithrani View Post
    I flipped on someone who blind invited me today
    Woah, I would hate to be that guy

    ...did you send him a tell that he suxs?
    BLACK MANTIS - Sarlona
    A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e e

  14. #14
    Community Member Kalari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quikster View Post
    /squelch add.......

    Much easier than /r no you cannot have my stuff you lazy newb!
    Dont worry not only will I squelch any more beggars they are soo lucky we cant name names so that people can avoid these pests in the forums. I dont know if that stuff flies in other video games but man if there is gonna be an influx of this **** anonymous may be the route i'll have to go
    Lost Legions Officer and Resident Diva! *Welp now I'm a Twitch Streamer* Follow me on Twitter @Kalarigamerchic

  15. #15


    Yep, completely agree with the idea of annon being the wave of the future. I guess that kind of thing is the norm in other MMO's but it has never been accepted in DDO. Just one of the things that makes us special.

  16. #16
    Community Member Psyker's Avatar
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    I think the perfect solution is to accept the blind invite and tell them brt. Then in 10 minutes when they see you looting chests on your solo run you can say you changed your mind.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Psyker View Post
    I think the perfect solution is to accept the blind invite and tell them brt. Then in 10 minutes when they see you looting chests on your solo run you can say you changed your mind.
    I like that, I will have to try that one out.

  18. #18
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    I had a funny one the other night. I left my lowbie ranger logged on at the mailbox on Cannith so I could keep an eye on an auction without having to load the game all the time. When I checked in a couple of hours later I had the following in my chat tab.

    • Noob invited you to join his guild.
    • Random Noob guild invitation has expired.
    • Random Noob invited you to join his guild.
    • Tell from Random Noob - "Click accept!!!"
    • Tell from Random Noob - "Accept it!!!"
    • Random Noob guild invitation has expired.
    • Tell from Random Noob - "Why won't you accept it"
    • Tell from Random Noob - "%&^I)"

    I can see tha guild growing fast
    A friend will bail you out of jail.
    A mate will be sitting in there beside you saying "**** that was awsome!!!"

    Unguilded of Orien

  19. #19
    Community Member assamite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalari View Post
    Id like to add blind panhandling to that seriously I know we were all new but begging threw tells is getting really annoying. Also know that if someone is in the middle of a quest they are not going to immediately answer your tells so saying "PLEASE ANSWER ME" is only adding to your annoying behavior. Oh and to the guy who thought Id run his level 7 threw a shroud...yeah please forget my characters if I wanted to adopt a noob id do so on my own account.
    Awwwww :/ I keep +3 full plate on me at all times for panhandlers. And if they bug me again i bust out a WOPPING 500g ~.o
    (\_/) Guardian of Golden Gold
    ~,.,~ Vaapad, Deathwaltz, Fushia, FiveGallonSnapback

  20. #20
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    If you want to make it stop just play a bard or something with 2 monk levels. Cause all the newbies know that bards and monk splash builds are teh gimp.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

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