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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Rogue and Cleric looking for a guild on Sarlona

    I'm Arondu Always (3 rog / 1 ftr, plan on being 19 rog/1 ftr) and my friend is a 2 ftr / 2 clr (planning on 18 clr/2 ftr). These are our first characters in DDO and we're looking for a guild. We're not big RPers, but we do prefer a mature/adult environment that's relatively idiot-free. We play 2-3 hours a night, so we're not exactly totally casual but we're not very hardcore. At some point I intend to become a premium player; my friend will probably stay free for a while longer than I.

  2. #2
    Community Member KGWiking's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default re

    If you and your friend are willing to start over on Ghallanda you'd be welcome to try out your skills in a Permadeath Guild.

    The Valhalla PermaDeath Guild is a very active guild with many new players and crusty old veterans.

    We have a great community, and it is growing. Today there have been full groups all day from 9AM EST until I just logged out (I play - then do work.. you get the idea).

    We usually have about 10 to 20 members on per night simultaneously from 7pmEST through 3AM EST. We feature set runs - tours of the game for newer players and a challenging ruleset.

    Our Rules are:

    Dead is dead - no resurrection but for spell or ability (cuts down on the zerging)
    No buying from the Auction House
    No Buying from the Brokers
    No Buying Consumable Magic such as wands potions and scrolls
    Groups open quest on the hardest available setting
    No Spoilers, PUGS, or Twinking.

    If you think that this looks like a challenge you and your friend are up to, I guarantee you'll be in many groups with players who like to play hard-core.

    We always have room for new recruits.

    Web URL is on the signature line...
    Read the ruleset and if it is for you register.
    Send an in game tell to any Officer of the guild
    Tell them you were in contact with KG and have read the rules, registered on the site and are ready to rock.

    You'll probably be in a group within a few minutes on most nights.

    KG Wiking
    Play as a TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes More

  3. #3
    Community Member tipkag's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default How small RPers are you?

    You might want to check out the Rest in Pieces web-site at - we are a RP guild but do accommodate a wide range of play-styles, so if you like a little RP every now and then we may be what you're loking for on Salorna. We're small (but growing) and friendly - I'm probably the most idiotic of the bunch, so if you can handle the occasional bad pun from me and constant references to my character's appalling charisma, you'll fit right in.

    Hope you find what you're looking for,


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