I wanted to play a favored sould who could intimidate, heal, do some crowd control or offensive casting, in that order. The idea being to have the FvS resists, DR, and self heal, and be able to heal in a group that is fairly experienced and self-sufficient.
But to get the DR, you have to be pure FvS. Intimidate is not a class skill, so it's a bit of a problem. I'm just wondering, is there a viable way to do this?
easy to get...
11 Ranks
4 greater heroism (self buffed with gird)
15 item bonus
3 level 2 shroud item
1 luck (VOM)
2 capstone if you take silver flame
a little harder...
3 tier III shoud item (cost 2 or 3 large scales)
1 luck (head)
if you are human
5 skill boost
let's assume
5 20 CHA
that's 50 intimidate at end game, probably not near enough, so..
feats (are these worth it?)
3 skill focus
2 dragon mark
2 bullheaded
and you might get
2 bard song
Is 59 a viable intimidate? Is there a better way to do this? Do I have to splash?