Ive been having issues where the client fails to start. I click on the desktop icon, the little hourglass appears for about 2 seconds...and then, nothing.
It has been acting this way ever since I downloaded Lamania (somewhere around the time of the last stress test before mod9 launch).
Just so you know, of course, I uninstalled Lamania client shortly after that stress test, since it became useless and seemed to be the root of my issues. In all actuality, every time I downloaded lamania, even the first time it was released, the client caused issues with my stormreach installation which forced me to uninstall both of them, since neither would work properly.
Back to the matter at hand.....
I have repeatedly uninstalled and re-installed the stormreach client approximately 4 times since beta testing was over for the same issue......failure to start.
whenever I uninstall stormreach client it tells me that uninrtallation is incomplete and that there are some remaining items that can be removed manually. although it does not tell me which ones or where I could possible find them. and nothing comes up DDo related in a file search.
Then i proceed to re-install the game, and the installer stops 7 or 10 times during the installation to inform me that "an error occurred while trying to replace the existing file...DeleteFile failed code 5...access denied..." and proceeds to list the file, almost all of which are .dll files i.e C:\program files\turbine\dungeons and dragons online-stormreach\controllibrary.dll
Heres another to add to the list of files that cannot be replaced : c:\program files\turbine\dungeons and dragons online stormreach\turbinelauncher.exe (this one im sure is one of the main culprits, I dont understand why it wouldnt delete in an uninstall...and then be unreplaceable)
another.....C:\program.....turbinelauncher.resourc es.dll
those are by no means all of the files, just the ones I felt like typing out
i really dont want to do the TDM, as it really sucks almost as much as Pando (i am unfortunately FORCED to use these for my other computer, since there is no other option to getting the game)....I am reinstalling from a MOD8 file i have saved since i got tired of downloading during the Lamania beta screwup days.