I got a new laptop today with Vista Premium Service Pack 1 installed on it. I've never worked with Vista before and am still very new to the OS. After I set up the essentials, I decided to download a fresh copy of DDO so I downloaded it to Program Files(x86) > New DDO Folder.
Then I started thinking about the various problems I've heard about with Vista and compatibility issues over the years and decided I needed to ask before wasting my time and making a terrible mistake somewhere along the way.
I now have all of the installation files saved in the DDO folder but I haven't set it up yet and am assuming that moving it won't be a problem should that become necessary.
Here are my questions...
1. Is it in the correct folder? I usually save gaming applications in my Program Files folder in XP but I didn't know if it should be in the Program Files(x86) folder or the Program Files folder. Does it make a difference? And if so, how do I know which folder to use for future installs?
2. Do I need to set compatibility mode on anything or just run the setup as-is?