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  1. #1
    Community Member Dhorrin's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default DDO Audio problem Please Help!!

    I don't know why since I started playing DDO the Audio comes and goes.
    But not the Audio entirely, only certain sounds.
    I can hear correctly the BGM anytime, but there are sound like the noises in background that sometimes are audible sometimes not.
    For example: the sound of my axe that vibrates a shot or an object that splits when I hit it or even the simple sound of feet on soft, hard or wet ground.
    All these sounds come and go, a moment I can hear them, the next not.

    I tried change options and different combinations but nothing change.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    You mention that they come and go. Do they go most often after there's a lot of activity and then come back after that activity has ceased?

    For example, I've found (and reproduced) that, if I start breaking a lot of boxes in sequence, then the "main" sounds will go away (i.e. I won't be able to hear the sound of breaking boxes) for a few seconds. If I stand still for those few seconds, then I'll be able to hear all the "main" sounds again. If I restart or continue breaking those boxes, then the sound goes away. The only caveat here (and it's a big one) is that I've only found and reproduced this in one area with one character... I just haven't tried with any other combo. While I've noticed sounds coming and going in battle (i.e. the sounds that you describe - splits, weapon sounds, etc) they've never all gone away entirely.

    For me, it's not a game breaker (I play a lot with sound muted entirely). I'm guessing that all we're doing is overloading an audio buffer somewhere (either in game or hardware) because of excessive activity but it's only a guess. It could just as easily be lag. If I get time at some point, I'll see if I can't try a few other combos and see if I get the same thing.

  3. #3
    Hall of Famer
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    Have you checked to see if your Audio Drivers are Up to date? Post your DXDIAG.
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