I am looking for +1 and +2 elemental Two handed weapons. All but True law and Axomatic. I am partial to Great axes but will look at great swords and falcions. I have the following to trade.
+1 Flaming Dagger
+1 Acid D. Axe
+1 Shock D. Axe
+1 Shock L. Mace
Plus others will update when I log on.
Tombs - I would need serval for me to trade them.
+1 Int Tomb (Min 3)
+2 Int Tombe (Min 7)
Crafting Mats of all kinds (Small,Med, and Large)
I am building a Drawf Barbarian to take the place of my gimp fighter. Anything you could think I could use for a two-handed full Barb I would be interseted in. RR is a plus.