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  1. #1
    Community Member NameisToad's Avatar
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    Default A Loose Collection of Thoughts

    Many years ago, the practitioners of the Silver Flame purged the continent of Khorvaire of most, if not all, of the lycanthropic races. Werewolves, weretigers, wererats, were-anything were slaughtered by the score all across the continent by humans who simply didn't want to become lycan.

    Is it possible that some of those lycans managed to escape to Xen'drik?

    I'd like to propose a new quest chain, where followers of the Silver Flame ask adventurers to clear out a group of lycans living in the jungles of Xen'drik.

    Similar to the Shan-To-Kor missions, the party will enter a village of a monster race, but the mission given by the Silver Flame will include a bonus for killing a certain number of the hated creatures.

    One of the many fun side-effects of fighting lycans in pen and paper is the chance of a party member being infected with lycanthropy during the battle, or unexpectedly during a conversation, a dinner party or a vigorously pleasant evening. We can simulate this by having the party contract lycanthropy as a hidden condition during an early mission, only to first show the symptoms during a later mission, and that entire mission can be skipped or altered if the entire party was afflicted, since newly afflicted lycans don't typically remember their first transformation in 3.5 rules.

    Party members who continue to be afflicted could have the chance of transformation during battle, although I think that would break the art budget, so perhaps party members would just benefit from the dr/silver and the bonus to wisdom while fighting the very members of the Silver Flame who sent them to fight the lycans in the first place.

    At any rate, I think the lycans could have 'kidnapped' or turned a loyal follower of the Flame, or a child of such a person, and the main story line could revolve around rescuing said person from them, hopefully reversing the curse in the process, if the person has been afflicted.

    During the process of pursuing the rescue, the chance of being turned by the lycans can occur when bitten by wolves or rats during a mission, or it can happen in a non-combat situation scripted any way the Turbine team chooses to do so.

    After the party has been afflicted, they should be given the choice of joining the lycans' side against the Silver Flame.

    Regardless of the decision the party makes, there should definitely be a showdown with the priests of the Flame at the end of the series as they attempt to purge the world of every last bit of lycanthropy.

    Thank you for your time. You may now resume your regularly scheduled whinefest about 32-point builds not being in the store, and the lack of druids.

  2. #2
    Founder & Hero
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    While mild interesting I dont think anyone should be able to get lycanthropy and for sure not before we get druids, or if they allowed it they should let any follower of the Flame be able to perma death you on dectection no matter where you are.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  3. #3
    Community Member NameisToad's Avatar
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    I don't see any reason why lycanthropy can't be treated in much the same way as mummy's curse, from a programming perspective, anyway. It is a disease and a curse and it is treated by the same two spells.

    I was assuming that it would act like the domination of the vampire in the the church and the cult, putting a pink hat on the character's head and forcing him/her to stand still until a will saving throw is made to overcome the feral beast within and regain control of yourself. Perhaps I should have mentioned this earlier, yes?

    As far as being attacked by the followers of the Flame, yes it would make sense for them to overreact, but I don't see why that should be a dealbreaker. Once the quest series is over, I'm assuming that all players will purge their systems of the lycanthropy.

    Why would any of this affect the character's interaction with the agents of the Flame after the series is over? I was actually expecting this to carry Silver Flame favor.

  4. #4
    Community Member NameisToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    An afflicted character must make a check at moonrise each night of the full moon to resist involuntarily assuming animal form. An injured character must also check for an involuntary change after accumulating enough damage to reduce his hit points by one-quarter and again after each additional one-quarter lost.

    On a failed check, the character must remain in animal form until the next dawn, when he automatically returns to his base form. A character aware of his condition may make one attempt to return to humanoid form (see below), but if he fails, he remains in animal form until the next dawn.
    I thought we might replace this to have checks made during combat, making it a will save instead of using the control shape skill, and giving characters the domination hat when they fail the save. It would be awesome to see someone else change shape and become a wolf and attack their own party members, but I'm thinking that might be too much.

    Have the afflicted characters make an appropriate will save and failure puts a pink hat on you, and success allows you to regain control of yourself. We could have people fighting for half the battle while the party cleric figures out how to use his spells to fight it, and they could be re-afflicted afterward. Plenty of opportunity for fun with lycanthropy.

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