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  1. #1
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Small flaws in quests that should be looked at to be revised

    hazadil part 3, the goods should be in the hidden part you need to pull the lever to get to, the lever should guarded by something special too, maybe a low level aurum wizard. (level 5 on normal)

    Swiped signet: need to go back to old version where part of the quest is to take the signet OUT.
    The signet should appear for each player in the chest, it's droppable on death and leave quest.
    Should be tradable.
    One person needs to get to the entrance with a signet to finish the quest., killing part of the quickfoot gang should again just be an optional (though with decent xp)
    No need to actually physically take the signet to the questgiver.

    Freshen the air: This one should have constant stinkcloud type nausea for all in the area til the vents are cleared (-2 to hit) immunity to poison means you wont be affected by it.

    Gwylans' Stand: The crates should be tradable, droppable, dropped on death or leave adventure. And if they stand for 3 minutes without somebody picking them up, they should respawn back at their start spot. (or at the spawn spot for the creature that holds them normally)

    (in fact all quests with quest items required for quest should have that behaviour)

    Lair of summoning: The LOCK in traps should open up eventually and should not require the death of the mephits to open it if enough time goes by.

    Ruined halls: Some more of the later creatures should have cameo's in this one in the end room.
    On hard or elite difficulty the actual creatures inside boxes etc should change.

    Azrag Khor sewer dart trap: this quest and most with dart traps, Some dart traps SHOULD house poison darts with various types of poison in them. You only suffer the poison if the dart does some sort of damage to you.
    This quest should be moved.. or made house P favor , currently it's house K favor.

    Stromvauld's mine: should be moved to house K as it's house K favor, or it shoud be changed to house D favor like it's location.

    Sunken Sewer: Foul water EVERYwhere (thinking sewers) should have a very small chance to afflict you with a random disease (much like a rat bite)

  2. #2


    The hidden part in the cartamon series has a chest in part two of that series if the named witchdoctor pops. Many people think that part is only smashing boxes but there is that one foe in the last room. Find the hidden door (where the goods are in part 3) the witchdoctor spawns. Kill him then pull the lever for the chest.
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Play what you want to play, and play it well.

  3. #3
    Community Member Chaosprism's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Yeah talish I knew about that in part 2, I just think part 3 should have the goods hidden in that same place. The aurum dont have to feature yet, because in the time line of things he hasnt got involved with them yet.

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