I know they are still chaning things around, but...

19rogue+1monk=14BAB ;(..... ouch!

Did I deserve that just for one level splash? How bad is it gonna hurt? I didn't know they were going to nerf rogue/monk, rogue/clr, rogue/bard, rogue/wiz etc. Was I supposed to see that coming?

And I don't like the idea that my qstaff is slower, but the damage is the same bcause I get more glancing blows. I don't want ANY glancing blows.

On my rogue I want to control agro, not draw it. Qstaff is supposed to do less glancing. Make Qstaff a finessable weapon with extra TWF hooks )if you have the feats) that does no glancing, please.

I just wanted my chance to moan...