Ok, I know I'm inquiring into territory that rarely gets touched on character builds that probably gather dust on most folks, but I'll ask it anyhow.
How many rangers utilize the spell Snare? Do you experience any success with it? Have you ever cast it more than 3 times in your career as a ranger? Do you have a good WIS?
I ask these questions with curiosity because it is among one of the more unique spells in the game. It has a summon animation casting time which has some annoyance, but it is pretty much one of the only spells currently in DDO that has a save and it is not fortitude, reflex, or will. It is purely an STR save with STR checks over time. It has no spell penetration check to pass. It is also completely non-aggro. Heck, it even works on spiders, fire mephits, and fire elementals (things we can't trap in webs).
Many caster type monsters in DDO have 10-16 STR and being purely an STR check it would only take a DC around 20 to lock them down (older rangers back when it was popular to take a WIS of 14 can probably hit a DC around 18). Also, in places like Shavarath this spell is not impacted, it is neither based on the 3 prime saves nor is a mental effect. Lastly, the uses of STR damage directly help this spell land.
I'm just wondering if as a populous we have a tool in our disposal that, while situational, isn't getting the attention it probably deserves and may be quite usable in various places.